Chapter two

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Kokichi woke up at five in the morning. He cuddled Usami, his stuffed rabbit, close to his chest. He sighed and talked to the rabbit, feeling as if he was talking to his mother through it.
He tried to stand up only to fall over on the cushiony floor. "Damn it...." The boy mumbled. He had forgotten he couldn't walk in the camisoles. He groan and called for any of his nurses to come help him. He then heard one of his nurses say something, something that triggered a repressed memory.
"Hold on sweetheart, I'm coming." Kokichi froze and started to get a flashback of his dad smacking him and pushing him against the wall and trying to sexually assault him. He screamed for his mom and she had said. "Hold on sweetheart, I'm coming." Before his dad got off Kokichi and sexually assualted his mother.
"M-M-MOM! NO!" Kokichi screamed out loud as the nurse tried to help the boy who was freaking out.
"I-I'M SORRY MOM! I'M SORRY!" The small boy screeched and started to sob and cuddle up to the nurse as he slowly reliazed it was only a memory.
"S-S-Sorry..." Kokichi mumbled. He looked down at the ground as she undid the strap that kept him from walking. "C-Can I use m-m-my arms p-please?.." He whispered and looked up at the woman.
"You'll have to ask your new nurse that, he should be here in an hour." Kokichi had been up for an hour and thirty five minutes but it felt like forever. He just sat in his room bored and thinking of questions to ask the new person.
Kokichi was brought to brush his teeth and hair and to take a bath while waiting for his new nurse.
Kokichi started to grow more and more anxious at the thought of a new nurse, not knowing how they would treat him or act.
Shuichi woke up at six thirty five, leaving him an hour to get ready. He brushed his hair and teeth, he then put on his striped outfit and put on his shoes.
He got in his car and started to drive, it was already seven sixteen so he hurried to get to the asylum.
Shuichi arrived at seven thirty. He quickly went to his boss to ask who his list of patients were.
"You'll be watching one all day, he's our most... Um... Needy patient. His name is Kokichi Oma he has a list of mental disorders, but he's not a threat to any staff." The man assured.
Shuichi was walked to the hallway he saw yesterday. He smiled and the door was opened then closed behind him. He walked to Kokichi. Kokichi hid in the corner of his room cuddling Usami.
"Kokichi? I'm Shuichi Saihara. I'll be your caregiver, no need to be scared, I promise not to hurt you." Shuichi said calmly and entered the cushioned room. Kokichi slowly walked to Shuichi.
"M-May I have my arms out of the jacket?" Kokichi asked quietly, he looked like he felt guilty for asking the question.
But Shuichi nodded and undid the arm straps to show Kokichi he trusted him.
Kokichi was surprised but started to happily cry. "T-Thank you! I h-haven't been able to use my arms for two weeks!" Kokichi cried then hugged Shuichi. Shuichi was surprised but hugged back and carried the crying boy to his bed.
"I heard you like chess, or more I read you do." Shuichi said and pulled a chess board out of the bag he was given for Kokichi.
Kokichi's eyes sparkled and he nodded excitedly and grabbed his rabbit. Shuichi smiled at the boy. "What's your rabbits name?" Shuichi asked.
"Usami! It means rabbit in Japanese!" The boy giggled childishly and hugged the rabbit. Shuichi smiled gently and set up the board.
"So, which color would you like to be?" Shuichi asked the seventeen year old. Kokichi looked at Shuichi and studied Saihara for a minute, knowing he needs to understand his opponent to win.
"White, I'd like to be white Mr. Saihara." Kokichi got serious which impressed Shuichi.
They started to play it seemed like kokichi was always a step ahead so Shuichi made sure to be two steps ahead.
Kokichi set up a tone of traps, and finally Shuichi got confused and fell for one. Kokichi then knocked out Shuichi's king and smiled. "Checkmate Shuichi!" Kokichi went back to his childish tone. Happily tapping his feet.
"Wow... You're really good Kokichi." Shuichi smiled. Kokichi blushed a bit and giggled at the caregiver.
"Thanks Mr. Saihara!" Kokichi smiled and then his expression changed in an instant to one of exhaustion. "Can you get me some breakfast? I'm hungry, Saihara." Kokichi whined like a little kid.
Shuichi laughed and nodded, he packed up the game then redid the strap. Kokichi wasn't upset, he knew Shuichi had rules that he had to follow. He was actually very grateful to have Shuichi.
He was calm for Shuichi, it was mainly because Saihara made him feel calm and safe. Before Shuichi left Kokichi called out to him.
"Will you get me a grape Panta, Mr. Saihara?" Oma asked sweetly. Shuichi chuckled and nodded then left. "Mr. Saihara is so nice, he treats me like a human... I'll be a good patient for Mr. Saihara. I promise." He whispered to himself.
Shuichi walked to the cafeteria and firstly grabbed the requested Panta. He didn't know why Kokichi was called a problem patient, he seemed so sweet.
He then grabbed himself and Kokichi some food. He went back to the hall hearing people mumble about how sorry they felt for him.
He grumbled and kept walking. He went into the hall, closed and locked the door.
"Ah! Mr. Saihara actually brought me food! How nice!" Kokichi smiled. Shuichi then noticed how skinny the boy was.
He got worried but stayed quiet for the moment being sure he'd change that.
"You don't mind that I have to feed you, right?" Shuichi kinda gave this as a warning that he was going to be close to Kokichi, he didn't want to scare the boy.
"Of course not, silly Mr. Shuichi!" Kokichi giggled and Shuichi smiled. He fed the small boy who just happily ate. Shuichi then ate his own breakfast. After that they played more games of chess, with Shuichi winning one game, but In a had let him win, and that was a secret.

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