Gimmie Love~5

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Out of mind

Yet again, Seji- 4118- violently awoke, lurching into a sitting position rather than her initial limp one, but it was no normal awakening

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Yet again, Seji- 4118- violently awoke, lurching into a sitting position rather than her initial limp one, but it was no normal awakening. Her eyes were wide and crazed, and a thick, clammy sweat slithered across her forehead, leaking down her neck and sending chills across her spine.

Lightheaded, the girl clutched the crown of her skull, screwing her eyes shut to block out the seemingly blinding, white lights that stabbed her eyes like a knife, yet the tantilizing back dots that surged through her sight refused to leave, dancing wildly beneath her eyelids.

She had no recollection of ever falling asleep, and she had shown no symptoms of sickness before, so her sudden feverish reaction seemed reasonless, confusing the girl, yet that was the least of her problems; she felt like someone was smashing a hammer into her skull, causing a vicious migraine to occur.

A deep, subtle groan of anguish could be heard from a little ways away, and Seji identified the voice as Jaemin- 0325, as his wrist read- yet his voice sounded distant, almost as if her ears were covered by a thick, invisible blanket, muffling most sounds.

Her throat was scratchy, and she violently coughed, hand pressing against her chest as pain river through her chest. Leisurely, a simple inhale became relatively difficult, and her windpipe seemed to grow hairs- teasingly tickling her neck dangerously.

The girl doubled over as she began to scratch at her neck, finding it increasingly troublesome to breathe as her vigorous coughs rang through the air- barely able to intake much oxygen.

Jaemin, hearing her pained coughs, slit open his eyes, feeling an overwhelming jolt of dizziness crash down on him- a sea of black dots obscuring his vision.

His breath hitched when he saw the red hives formulating on Seji's skin, causing the girl to begin to resemble a tomato as she clamps her eyes shut, face contorted with extreme discomfort.

"Shit- uhm," Jaemin cursed, bringing a hand to his spinning head.

Seji was about a yard away, strewn out upon the floor as she heaved out air- barely able to replenish her air before she coughed again, feeling as if her throat was being clogged by a million tiny, itchy hairs.

Jaemin began to crawl towards the girl, devoid of balance and unable to stand as he scrambled towards her, head pounding.

Practically falling beside her, placed a hand in her shoulder to stable both of them, trying to blink away the swaying ocean of dots in his gaze. Nausea washed over him as he shook his head, immediately regretting the action as soon as he did it, yet his seemingly unprovoked sickness was the least of his problems; for all he knew, Seji was dying.

"Are you- are you okay?" He asked desperately, his worried eyes ravaging over her.

Through the blurriness of her vision due to the anguished tears that had built up and the tiny illusions of shapes in her sight, the girl tried to gaze up at him, but she couldn't respond, choking on air as she desperately tried to breathe. Heart pounding with fear and body shaking with adrenaline, Seji viciously shook her head no- fingers clawing at her throat.

Jaemin eyebrows scrunched together as he placed her head in his lap, his frantic eyes whipping around wildly in search of anything to cease her anguish, yet the room was empty- devoid of  anything other than a mirror and a bed, which couldn't help the girl.

Running a stressed hand through his hair, the boy's eyes fell back to Seji, watching as a tear streamed down her cheek, yet he could do nothing to prevent the rapid closing of her windpipe.

Giving her a reassuring, pained smile despite his panicking state, he brushed his fingers through her hair in an attempt to calm her down as she hoarsely wheezed, coughs riddling her breaths. Her fingernails raked against her bright-red, hive-covered neck, and she stared up at him in despair, eyes wide as she shook.

"You're having an allergic reaction- it's okay, you'll be okay," He cooed, voice shaking subtly as he tried to sooth her with his kind words, yet he couldn't prevent the utter fear for her life that swelled in his heart.

Sweeping her hair out of her face, the boy- unable to do much else- let the pad of his thumb gently wipe away the plentiful tears that rained from her eyes, watching miserably as her breathing became increasingly strained, chest struggling to rise as she gazed up at him.

The boy pursed his lips together, his own dotted eyes beginning to dampen, but he did his best to look calm for her- trying to reassure her that she wouldn't suffocate.

Jaemin's teeth took his bottom lip hostage, viciously bitting down on it as the metallic taste of blood infiltrated his mouth, yet he didn't care, hands shaking as he combed his fingers through her hair.

"You need medicine," He muttered, mostly to himself as his crazed eyes darted around once again- hoping to see something new in the unchanged room around him.

A heavy, worried breath harshly crawled from his throat as his head pounded, yet as his frenzied gaze sped towards the bed, a bright, red light caught his attention.

Blinking violently to be sure it wasn't just another illusion in his gaze, the panicked boy's breath caught in his throat as he deduced the light as real- finding it was attached to a small bottle.

A rather pained-sounding laugh breathed from his lips, and he swallowed nervously, relaxing his face into a much less concerned one as he softly gazed back down at the struggling girl.

"I'll be right back, okay? You're going to be alright, I promise," He assured, gently caressing her cheek.

Carefully, the boy slid her head off of his lap, giving her a slightly unnatural smile as he began to lean away, but Seji extended an arm- faintly clutching the base of his shirt in an attempt to make him stay, for she didn't want to be alone.

Hesitating a moment, Jaemin lightly pushed her fingers away, eyes narrowing in utter distraught as he began to roll towards the bottle, initially knocked over by a surge of dizziness as he vigorously tried to approach the shining bottle.

Seji managed a quiet whimper as her lachrymose eyes gazed after him, arm uselessly reaching for him as he staggered closer to the bottle, feeling lonely as she choked fiercely.

Jaemin, swaying crazily as he desperately attempted to reach what he assumed was medicine, found his fingers brushing over the lid of the plastic can- only for a wall of lightheadedness to cause him to fall to his side, head pounding as his open eyes were deemed unable to see as a blanket of blackness danced over his vision.

Fun fact: I'm deadly allergic to shellfish

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Fun fact: I'm deadly allergic to shellfish

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