Chapter 8 - Our little secret

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Lexi's LOV:

Jack moved in close. I could smell a strong scent of alcohol; but I didn't care. His soft warm lips kissed mine while I wrapped my hands around his neck and he moved his hands onto my hips. Our lips moved perfectly in sync.

Nash's POV:

I tried to find Lexi as because I heard Jack and Sam had a big fight. I just want to know she's safe. I'll check her room, she might be there. I have a spare key. When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw...

*Nash turns on light*

Jack: " Oh shit."
Nash: " Jack how could you do this to me. And Lexi how could you make out with one of my best friends.
Lexi: " Nash........."
Nash: " Shut up."
Jack: " Nash..."
Nash: "You two will never be seen together again. "

Lexi's POV:

* Nash leaves and slams the door*
*Lexi sympathetically looks at Jack*

Lexi: " Jack I'm -"
Jack: " Don't be sorry, It was worth it."
Lexi: " You know Nash is going to everything he can to make sure we won't be together."
Jack: " Lexi, I don't know if you know this but I like you. And I like you a lot and I will make sure that won't happen."
Lexi: " It's been a long night we should go to sleep."

*Lexi gets into bed and goes asleep.*

Jack's POV:

I really like Lexi, she make me feel some type of way I can't describe. I hope Nash doesn't get in the way of that. He totally over reacted and way to over protective. Its been a long night, maybe sleep will help take my mind off things.

Lexi's POV:

~ Middle of the night ~

*Lexi wakes up freaking out and breathing heavy*

Jack: " Are you ok?"
Lexi: " Just a nightmare."
Jack: " If you want you can come in sleep with me."
Lexi: " Sure."

I got up and walked to Jack's bed and climbed in. I just looked up at the ceiling and kept replaying my nightmare in my head. I'm guessing Jack knew something because-

Jack: " Wanna talk about it."
Lexi: " Depends, are you going to Listen?"
Jack: " Babe, I would stay up all night just to make sure you're ok."
Lexi: " I just want to get my mind off of it."

*Jack wrapped his arm arm around my waist*
Jack ( whispers): " You will always be safe in my arms."

~ The next day ~

I woke up in Jack's arms and my face on his chest. I didn't want it to end. This moment was perfect. I didn't want to wake him up yet so I took this time to look at him. He looks so cute when he sleeps. His eyelashes fluttered opened...

Jack ( Raspy voice ): " Good morning beautiful ."

His morning voice is sooooo sexy.

Lexi: " Good morning."
Jack: "What time is it."
Lexi: " It's only... what the fuck."
Jack: " What?"
Lexi: " It's six in the morning."
Jack: " I'm starving."
Lexi: " Me too. But the café down stairs doesn't open until seven."
Jack: " I'm not going to wait on hour."
Lexi: " I think there is an iHop close by."
Jack: " Lets go."
Lexi: " Just let me get ready."
Jack: " Ok, oh and don't tell anyone... I want it to be just me and you."
Lexi: "Ok."

I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and put on light makeup. I grabbed my bag and put on a grey Coca-Cola muscle t-shirt, black skinny jeans, black vans, and my favorite black ray bans. Don't you just love black. I grabbed my curling iron and curled the ends of my hair and finally put on light makeup.

Lexi: " I'm done."
Jack: " C'mon ."
Lexi: " Be quiet."

We slowly opened the door and left our room. We carefully walked past the room until we reached the elevator. I pressed the elevator button and waited impaintently. Then it finally came and the doors closed.

Jack: " Finally."
Lexi: " I'm so glad no one heard us."

When it stopped we got out and got a taxi.

( Skip car ride )

*Both walk into iHop and get seated*
*Waiter hands out menus*

Lexi: " So what looks good?"
Jack: " You."
Lexi: " I mean food."
Waiter: " Are you ready?"
Jack: " Yes, ladies first."
Lexi: " I'll have the unlimited pancakes."
Jack: " Actually that sounds pretty good. We'll share."

*Waiter leaves*

Lexi: " So where are we?"
Jack: " iHop."
Lexi: " No, I mean like are we in a relationship, are we friends... where are we?
Jack: " I don't know, a lot can happen. Nash, fans, your friend Lauren, Sam, and the media won't like it we'll get a lot of crap for it.
Lexi: " Especially since you work for Vine and I work for Youtube are they are rivals."
Jack: " Maybe you and I can be a secret."
Lexi: " What do you mean by that?"
Waiter: " Your meal."
Lexi: " Thanks."

We both dug into the pancakes. Oh my gosh I forgot how good pancakes were.

Lexi: " As you were saying?"
Jack: " Oh yeah ummm... so we can date but keep it a secret."
Lexi: " Should we tell anyone?"
Jack: " No, the less anyone knows the better."
Lexi: " You know Lauren is going to be pissed that I'm going to spend a lot of time with you."
Jack: " We'll keep it subtile."
Lexi: " Maybe this could work."
Jack: "Maybe?"
Lexi: " You didn't officially ask me."
Jack: " Lexi Nicole Grier will you have the honor to be my girlfriend."
Lexi: " Yes."
Jack: " It will be our little secret."
Lexi: " It will be our little secret."
Jack: " Now, can we go I want to get back before the guys notice were gone."
Lexi: " Ok"

We both got a taxi and were on our way back to the hotel.
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Quick note:
Happy Birthday to me!!
- J

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