Chapter 18 - The plan

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Lexi's POV:

Hayes: " It's not! It's about Jack!"
Lexi: " Go on..."
Hayes: " After I saw Jack leave the auditorium I followed him, he was on the phone with someone saying something like
... See you tonight baby and you can't tell anyone about this."
Lexi: " So you think he cheating on me?"
Hayes: " Yes."
Lexi: " What if he's just meeting with a friend?"
Hayes: " I doubt it."
Lexi: " Did he say where they were going to meet?"
Hayes: " No."
Lexi: " I don't think he's cheating..."
Hayes: " We'll need to catch him in the act."
Lexi: " How do we do that?"
Hayes: " Follow him after he leaves the room. Oh and we can wear all black like they do in spy movies and we should get walkie talkies and - "
Lexi: " Or you can follow him and I can try to sneak into the place where they watch over the cameras and see what room he goes to. The only reason I'm doing this is to show you how wrong you are. Should we tell Lauren?"
Hayes: " She's your best friend and two she can stay in the lobby if he tries to leave the hotel... just to be safe. I don't want to lose Jack and miss our chance."
Lexi: " Do you know what time he said they were going to meet?"
Hayes: " Midnight."
Lexi: " Ok, so we have little less than an hour. When the time comes your going to follow Jack and by follow, stay a good distance away so he won't see you and if he goes into the elevator i'll call you and tell you what floor."
Hayes: " What do I do when he goes in the room?"
Lexi: " Call Lauren and I and we'll go in the room together and then we can show you how you were over reacting."
Hayes: " Sounds like a plan and I'm not wrong."
Lexi: " Whatever."
Nash: " Are you guys coming or not?"
Lexi: " Yeah, c'mon Hayes."

We both walked over to the group and we all walked into the elevator.

Jack G: " What was that about?"
Lexi: " Nothing."
Jack G: " Sure..."

The elevator doors opened I made my way to my room without saying a word to Jack. Hopefully, no one has an idea of what we're up to. As soon as the door shut immediately it opened again...

Cameron: " Is something up?"
Lexi: " No, why?"
Cameron: " Just making sure."
Lexi: " What do you mean by that?"
Cameron: " I'll always be here for you... you know that right?"
Lexi: " Thanks Cam."

I moved in closer and gave him a hug. Seriously, Cameron hugs are the best hugs it feels different when I hug him... I don't know how but it does.

Cameron's POV:

I don't know whats wrong with Lexi. I just wanted to let her know that I'll always be there for her. Then she hugged me I forgot how much I loved her hugs. Just the feeling of her wrapped around in my arms feels perfect.

Lexi's POV:

We both separated from the hug as I remembered something. Lauren.

Lexi: " Sorry, I forgot I have to tell someone something really quick."
Cameron: " It's fine."
Lexi: " So I'll see you later?"
Cameron: " Yeah."

I walked outside Lauren's room and texted for her to meet me outside because she is in the same room as Jack. Soon enough Lauren met me outside the room.

Lauren: " Why didn't you just come in the room?"
Lexi: " I'll explain follow me."

I led her to the elevators and we both watched the elevator doors close.

Lexi: " This is a long story... I'm warning you now that you're going be be mad at me."
Lauren: " Go on."
Lexi: " So... Jack G and I started secretly dating so the fans, Nash, and of course you wouldn't be mad. Then Hayes caught Jack and I making out and started black mailing us. Also when Jack left the stage earlier Hayes followed him and over heard a phone call with someone and to Hayes it sounded like Jack was cheating on me. But I don't think he is so we made this whole plan to see if he is cheating on me so I decided to tell you because you're my best friend. PLEASE DONT BE MAD AT ME."

I stood there out of breath as I noticed Lauren with her jaw open.

Lexi: " Lauren?"
Lauren: " Ok, 1. Your an idiot for falling for him. 2. I'm going to beat the shit out of Hayes for trying to blackmail you. 3. I knew something was up with you and Jack. I never liked him."
Lexi: " So what your saying is?"
Lauren: " I'm in. What's the plan?"
Lexi: " Hayes is going to follow him, I'm going to sneak to where they watch the cameras, and you are going to wait in the lobby if he tries to get away. "
Lauren: " Ok, he's so cheating on you."
Lexi: " Why does everyone thin that? What if he's just meeting a friend or something?"
Lauren: " You're dating a fuckboy what do you expect."

*Elevator doors open *

Lexi: " Just wait in the lobby but, be normal!"
Lauren: " How?"
Lexi: " Get a newspaper or something..."
Lauren: " So cliche."
Lexi: " Just keep an eye out and text me when something happens. Ok?"
Lauren: " Ok."

I pushed the elevator button and I went back up while I took out my phone.

*Texting *

Lexi: " Lauren is in and she's in the lobby."
Hayes😝: " We have about 20 minutes. I should go get changed."
Lexi: " INTO WHAT ?"
Hayes😝: " Black."
Lexi: " This isn't a spy mission, or men in black, and you're not an undercover secret agent... stop it."
Hayes😝: " Idgaf I'm still doing it."
Lexi: " Put your phone on silent by the way."
Hayes😝: " Ok. and when I'm following him watch me on the cameras and call me to tell me where he is."
Lexi: " Sure. I just need to grab my room key."
Hayes: " Text me when you're in the camera room."

*Elevator doors open *
I knocked on my room to be greeted by Nash. Shit.

Nash: " Where were you?"
Lexi: " Lauren and I are playing hide and seek and I need my room key."
Nash: " Just be back soon it's getting late."

Then Nash went over to the nightstand while I was still in the door frame and grabbed a spare key and walked over to me.

Lexi: " Thanks."

I walked back into the elevator and pushed the button to go down to the lobby. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. Soon enough the doors opened and I went near the front desk. There was no one there and no one in the lobby was looking in my direction so I jumped the counter and opened the door behind it. There was a small empty grey hallway with a few doors. I quickly found the camera room. I slowly opened the door and snuck in. The only light that light up the room was from the screens all on one wall.

Security guard: " You shouldn't be in here."
Lexi: " I know but it's for a good cause..."
Security guard: " What kind of cause?"
Lexi: " To catch a cheater... I'll pay you 20 bucks..."
Security guard: " Fine you can stay but i don't take bribes."
Lexi: " Thank you so much."

I dialed Hayes as the clock was almost at Midnight.

Lexi: " Did he leave yet? "
Hayes: " He's making his way to the door now."
Lexi: " Ok, I'll guide you but don't say anything!"
Hayes: " Copy."
Lexi: " Stop with all that cop spy shit."
Hayes: " Fine."
Lexi: " He's out of the door follow him. "
Hayes: " He just went into the elevator."
Lexi: " Wait, and i'll tell you the floor number... eleven. Go to floor eleven! Hurry!"
Hayes: " I am."

*Hayes goes to floor 11 *

Lexi: " Ok, He's turning a corner slowly follow behind."
Hayes: " K."
Hayes: " Shit............."
Decided to post this chapter early... Again.

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Also who went out and bought clothes from the United XXVI collection at Areopastel? I did🙌💞

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