Chapter 13 - Home sweet home

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Elizabeth: " We'll see you at home."
Nash: " Bye, love you."
Lexi: " See you at home, love you."
Cameron: " So we'll see you in a few weeks."
Nash: " Yeah, see you then."
Lexi: " Bye Cam."
Jack J: " I guess that means we have to go to."
Jack G: " See you then."
Lexi: "Bye."

We all watched everyone leave. Then right as Sam was getting into a taxi with the rest of the guys he quickly flashed a winked at me. He's such a fuck boy. Hopefully no one saw that.

Chad: " Ok, you guys ready?"
Lexi: " Oh, By the way... um... Lauren has something to tell you."
*Lexi pushes Lauren in front of her *
Lauren: " My parents aren't going to home for the holidays so.. i was wondering -"
Chad: " Yes, Lauren you can stay with us for the holidays. "
Nila: " What about your flight."
Lauren: " I changed my flight already."
Nash: " Well then we better leave in time for our flight."

We all piled in to the car. I had sat on the left side next Lauren and behind Nila. We started driving. When we got to the airport we all jumped out of the car, got our bags, and payed our driver.

Chad: " Ok so we have to go through bag check then security and lastly our terminal."
Hayes: " How much time do we have?"
Nash: " Like 10 minutes."
Lexi: " I'm so tired."
Lauren: " Me too."
Hayes: " Me too."
Nash: " Sleep on the plane."
Hayes: " There is no way I could sleep on a plane."
Nila: " We can get coffee later... Let's hurry up and get through bag check."
Chad: " I'm kinda hungry... I'm going to grab a burrito real quick."
Nila: " Hurry up!"

After dad got his burrito we walked to bag check and put our bags on the roller thing. Idek what it's called? After we went through we went to security. I put my arms by my side and walked through the censors, then Nash, then Lauren, then Hayes, then Nila, and lastly my dad.

Security: " Sir, you have to get rid of your food."
Chad: " No, I payed good money for this and I haven't even taken a bite yet."
Security: " Sir, I'm afraid your going to have to throw it away."
Chad: " No."
Lexi: " Dad, just throw it away I"ll buy you a new one."
Chad: " Fine."

Then security let us through and we were at our terminal.

Nila: " Ok, here are your tickets. Hayes, Lauren, and Lexi are in left row 13 and Nash, Chad, and I are in left row 13 in that order.
Hayes: " But, I want the aisle seat."
Lexi: " Deal with it."
Lauren: " No chill."
Intercom: " Flight 308 start boarding."
Chad: " Start lining up."

We all went into the line with our tickets in hand. I was up next and the lady took my ticket and gave me directions to where my seat was while I completely zoned out. After she was done I just kinda waited for Lauren and we bot walked to our seats. I got comfortable and pushed my chair back and put my bag under my chair, got my pillow out, and put my beats ear buds in. I put on my playlist and it played " Talk Dirty" by Jason Derulo. I closed my eyes and next thing I know I feel someone tap me on the shoulder... I took out one earbud and...

Flight attendant: " Miss, your going to have to push your chair up."
Lexi: " Seriously, Its not even going to make a difference."
Chad: " LEXI STOP IT."

I put my chair back to where it was and waited until she left and put my earbud back in and closed my eyes. Lauren leaned on my shoulder and I slowly drifted to sleep.

*About an hour later*

I woke up from my nap and really had the urge to pee. I took out my earbuds and pushed Lauren off my shoulder and walked into the aisle and went to the bathroom.

*Skip the bathroom part*

When I came back to my section I found Hayes in my seat.
Lexi: " Get out."
Hayes: " Your name isn't written on it."
Lexi: " It will be written in blood if you don't move."
Hayes: " Here."

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