Chapter 4 - Hugs

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Lexi's POV:

I started unpacking until I heard a knock at the door. I went up to go and open it then I heard a swipe and a beep. I watched as the door opened...

Lexi: "OMFG Gilinsky!!!"
Jack G: " LEXI!"
* Koala hug*
Jack J: You forgot to give me a hug *pretends to cry*
Lexi: "Awe no Jackjack I didn't forget about you"
*hugs Jack J*
Sam: " Who's this?"
Jack G: "Oh Sam this is Lexi, Lexi, Sam."
Lexi: "Have we met before?"
Sam: " No, I wouldn't forget a beautiful face like that."
Jack J: ok So let's start unpacking
Lexi: I can help Y'all
Sam: " You can help me unpack"
Lexi: " Alrighty"
* Smiles*

Sam's POV:

Her smile is so beautiful, I can't stop looking at her. She stared to help me unpack ; I didn't bring a lot of clothes Because I knew that we're going shopping anyways.
Sam: "I'll unpack my boxers, you'll probably feel uncomfortable folding them".
I bet it's weird for her folding my underwear so I said that.
Lexi: "Oh no, I got it I live with 3 boys. I got used to it"
[Continue on the unpacking part]
Sam:" Oh Thanks"
Lexi: " No problem"
*15 minutes later*
Lexi: " Ok, I'm done"
Sam: "Same, what about you guys?"
Jack J: "Yea we're done"
Lexi: " Let's go"
*We all followed Lexi out the door*
Jack G: " So, what do you guys want to do?"

Lexi's POV:

Lexi:" Maybe we could all hang out as a group? Do y'all know where the guys are?
Jack G: "no why?"
Lexi: " We could all hang out at the mall !"
Jack G: "Yea maybe we should"
Lexi:" Where's Bart though?"
Bart: " What?"
Lexi: " We were hoping if the guys and I could all hang out?
Bart : " Yea that's ok but as long as y'all stay together you can split up but you'd have to be with someone! You and Sam could be together and Jack and Jack could be together and you guys can split up.
Sam: "Sounds good"
Jack J: " What about the other guys?"
Lexi: " Let's see if they're in their room."
* Takes key card out of her pocket and slides it in the door and pushes the door open*
Lexi: " They're not in the room?"
I'm so pissed off that they left without telling me!
Jack J: " Where did they go?"
Lexi: " Dose it look like I know where they went?!?"
Sam: " Let's just go without them."
We all pilled into the elevator. When we got out we went into a Taxi.
And Sam almost climbed over Jack G to sit next to me.
Driver: " Where to?"
Lexi: " Take us to the closest mall please."
( Skip the car ride)
Lexi: " So I guess I'll see you guys later"
Jack G: " See you later"
Jack J: " Bye have fun kids"
* Jack J winks*
Sam: " So, Where do you want to go?"
Lexi: " I don't know... SEPHORA
Sam: " No"
Lexi: " C'mon just really quick"
Sam: " Fine"
* Lexi drags Sam into Sephora*
Sam: " What do you need?"
Lexi: " Only lip stick, foundation, mascara, eye shadow, and matte nail polish.
Sam: " Ummmm..........."
* Lexi picks up the things on her list from her phone*
Sam: " Why do you even need makeup?"
Lexi: " Because I do"
Sam: " No you don't you beautiful the way you are"
Lexi: " Fine, I'm done now come with me to checkout"
Cashier: " That will be $54. 83!"
Lexi: " Do you accept tears?"
Cashier: " Huh?"
Lexi: " Here"
* Hands money"
Cashier: " Have a nice day!"
Lexi: " Now where do you want to go?"
Sam: " The Vans store!"
Lexi: " Of course"
Sam: " What?"
Lexi: " Nothing"
* They walk into the Vans store*
I sat on the bench and checked my phone. I haven't posted on Twitter in awhile... @LexiGrier: Sephora Haul😍Immediately fans were tweeting me "Make a YouTube haul!!!". By the time I looked up Sam had already checked out.
Sam: "What time is it?"
Lexi: " It's only... HOLY CRAP 11:42pm!"
We asked out of the store and walked near a fountain.

Jack G's POV:

Jack G: " We should find Lexi and Sam. Do you know where they might be?"
Jack J: " I don't know"
Jack G: " Wait I think I see them!"
Jack J: " Where?"
Jack G: "Near the fountain"
We met up with them and made our way to the exit and got a Taxi.
Driver: " Where to?"
Sam: " To the Hilton Hotel"

Lexi's POV:
Once we got to the hotel I have the driver the money and got out.
Lexi: "I'm so tired"
* Everyone walks into elevator*
Jack J: " Yeah we should get some sleep"
When we got to our floor I took out my. Add and opened the door.
Lexi: " I'm just going to get ready for bed."
I went to the bathroom and took off my makeup and brushed my teeth.
Jack G: " Goodnight"
Lexi: " Goodnight"

*************************Chapter 5?
Yes, I know Sam wasn't in Magcon DC but can we just go with it? ily guys 💞

Who do you ship?
# Lack
# Lammy
# Lameron

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