Chapter 25 - Secrets

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Lexi's POV:

Lauren: " Yeah right, I know your little secret. "
Lexi: " What secret?"
Lauren: " You and Cameron are a thing."
Lexi: " How did you find out?"
Lauren: " I found his shirt in your room and the fact that is's obvious there is something between you two."
Lexi: " Does Nash know?"
Lauren: " No.... Why is it like this?'
Lexi: " What?"
Lauren: " We used to be close. What happened?"
Lexi: " You started hanging out with Nash."
Lauren: " Oh. I'm sorry. I've been such a shitty friend lately. "
Lexi: " Yeah."
Lauren: " Wait... are you and Cameron dating?"
Lexi: " Maybe..."
Lauren: " I knew it."
Lexi: " What if it doesn't work out? Are you going to be there to pick up the pieces?
Lauren: " Every last one of them."

All of a sudden there was a knock at my bedroom door. I got up and opened it to see...

Lexi: " What do you want?"
Hayes: " I bored...."
Lexi: " What do you want to do?"
Lauren: " We can go to the mall?"
Lexi: " We can get our nails done?"
Lauren: " We can do each others hair and makeup?"
Lexi: " We can go get massages?"
Hayes: " I'm out."

Hayes then closed the door and left.

Lexi: " So what do you want to do?"
Lauren: " We can go to the mall?"
Lexi: " Do you want to go now?"
Lauren: " Sure."

I downed my coffee and walked down stairs with Lauren. I set my cup in the dishwasher and gabbed the keys. We both locked the house and got in the car. I got in the driver's seat while Lauren got in the passenger's seat next to me. I backed out of the driveway and made my way to the highway.

~ Skip the car ride ~

Once we got to the mall we both got out of the car and walked into the main entrance. As soon as we walked through the mall doors Lauren was already dragging me.

Lauren: " Let's go to Pacsun!"
Lexi: " Ugh, you don't have to drag me."
Lauren: " Hurry."

When we reached Pacsun Lauren went one way while I went the other. I ended up with 2 bikinis and a flowly top. I went to the register to pay the met Lauren at the door.

Lauren: " Where should we go now?"
Lexi: " Victoria Secret Pink."
Lauren: " Don't they have a sale today?"
Lexi: " I don't know?"

We both walked into Pink. One thing led to another and I ended up buying a blue the dye shirt, a few bras. I checked out and walked out with Lauren.

Lauren: " Where now?"
Lexi: " I don't know Im going to be broke soon."
Lauren: " Ohhhh Forever 21."

Next thing I knew I was being dragged into yet another store. I looked at jewelry and by the time I go there Lauren was already checked out. Damn that girl is fast... Then we both walked out back out.

Lexi: " We should get going soon."
Lauren: " Ok, just one more store.... American apparel!"
Lexi: " Hurry up."

We both walked into American Apparel and lets just say I got a little carried away and... I bought 2 blouses, 3 necklaces, and another flannel.

Lexi: " Ok c'mon Lauren."
Lauren: " Ugh, fine. "

I lead her out if the store and to the exit. Once we were out we both made our way to the car and got in.

Nash's POV:
( At the house )

Nash: " Where are the girls?"
Cameron: " I don't know. Put up the groceries while I call Lexi."


Cameron: " Lexi, where are you?"
Lexi: " We're on our way back."
Cameron: " Where were you?"
Lexi: " At the mall with Lauren. I gotta go."
Cameron: " Ok bye."

*End of call *

Nash: " How did you have Lexi's number?"
Cameron: " I've had it."
Nash: " Pshhh sure."
Cameron: " What?"
Nash: " Nothing... You've just getting really close to Lexi lately..."
Cameron: " Yeah, what about it."
Nash: " Stay away from my sister. Period."

I stormed out of the room and walked outside. I walked over to the path and made my way to the dock. I sat down and tried to calm down. Lexi and Cameron are hiding something and they've been spending a lot of time together lately.

Lexi's POV:
( Driveway )

I went to the back and got my bags. I locked the car and followed Lauren inside of the house. I got the keys out of my purse and opened the door and walked inside.

Lauren: " Where's Nash?"
Cameron: " He went outside."

Lauren then dropped everything and went out the back door to find Nash.

Lexi: " What happened?"
Cameron: " Nash told me to stay away from you... I think he might be on to us."
Lexi: " Shit."
Cameron: " He won't find out don't worry."
Lexi: " I hope your right."
Cameron: " What do you think he'll do if he dose find out?"
Lexi: " I honestly have no idea."

Lauren's POV:
I looked all around the back yard... wait the lake. I followed the brown brick path and it led me to the dock... where Nash was.

Lauren: " Nash..."
Nash: " What?"
Lauren: " What has gotten into you?"
Nash: " Nothing."

I sat down on the edge of the dock next to him.

Lauren: " Now tell me whats really wrong."
Nash: " Cameron."
Lauren: " What about Cameron? I thought he was your best friend."
Nash: " You know how Cameron and Lexi have been spending a lot of time together?"

I bit my lip. I want to tell the truth but I have to protect Lexi.

Lauren: " No."
Nash: " Well the have. Do you think they are a thing?"
Lauren: " No, your over reacting. C'mon let's go inside."
Nash: " They're up to something. I just know it."

Lexi's POV:
( Lexi's room)

Lexi: " Want to watch Netflix?"
Cameron: " Ok."

I climbed into my bed while Cameron did the same. I draped a blanket over us and started setting up Netfix. All of a sudden Cameron snatched the blanket over to his side. I started a episode of Orange is the black and then quickly snatched the blanket back. That soon led to a tug of war.

Cameron: " Your weak."
Lexi: " Oh really?"
Cameron: " Really."

I then brushed the blanket to the side and tried to push Cameron off the bed. Next thing i knew he flipped me over where he was sitting on top of me. I somehow managed to throw us off the bed but he was still on top of but this time he was facing me. He leaned in and attached our lips. The kiss soon got heated and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. Then out of no where the door opened ...
Sorry this is a bad chapter 😁
Another early chapter💞

Who do you is the person who opened the door?

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- J💋

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