He held his stomach helplessly and just as I was about to end his life there was rustling in the bushes, and out came 1 woman and 3 men all not similar to each other and not recognizable to me. They pointed arrows at me as they slowly walked towards their companion. They spoke in a foreign language so I could not understand and helped their friend away. The last archer stared me down before running away.

I resisted the urge to track them and went to aid Elliott. He had bled out significantly and his white shirt could be mistaken for a plain red. He was still concious but I could see he was losing sense of time. I helped him up and we both staggered together towards the village. Elliott was losing balance and muttering to keep himself awake but I was worried we would not make it. When we reached the streets he fully collasped and I tried my best to hold him up but it was uneven. Since the arrow was still in place he could not go on my back.

"Can someone help me get him to the Achak temple?!" I yelled.

It raised attention of many around and 2 guys rushed to help. They didn't let me hold him and carried him to the temple with me trailing behind. Dr Ach ran into action and got him onto a bed. They cut off his top and examined the entry wound. He studied the arrow before making two small incisions on either side of it. This allowed the arrow to come out with ease, as well as blood to bubble over the surface.

The procedure to heal Elliott began. He had lost a lot of blood so was given a remedy to drink, a combination of dark vegetables and dried fruits, to increase his blood. I left halfway so the doctors and nurses could focus and I could alert the soldiers of intruders. They rushed, ordering their men to go search the location.

I only went back into Elliott's room when everything was over and they closed his wound. The other patients in the room were moved out since they didn't want to be in the same room as a foreigner. It was quiet and only his soft breathing resonated in the room. Elliott's black hair lay frazzled on his forehead and his lips were parted. His skin was paler than before and light sweat peppered his cheeks and upper lip.

I felt guilty knowing he said it was going to be a bad idea. It would've been easier if I was hit so at least I wouldn't feel so burdened. If the soldiers couldn't find those people then I would. They weren't going to walk free from what they had done. How they even ended up here was another question. I just hoped Elliott's recovery would be smooth.

Unknowingly, I dozed off whilst sitting beside the bed. Sleep held me for a while before I woke up to my head being stroked. My eyes flashed open and I sat up immediately trying to see who the culprit was.

Elliott smiled lazily at my reaction, "Morning, sunshine."

"Sunshine?" I croaked.

"Yeah, it's a nickname."

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked trying to control the frizzy mess on top of my head.

"Long enough, its a new day."

The sun was shining outside, a little less brighter than before. It felt like I was only asleep for a while but not the whole night. I stretched feeling my bones ache slightly, probably because of how I slept.

"How are you feeling?" I asked rubbing my face.

"Better since your here. I was suprised that you stayed." His lip slightly curled.

"I felt guilty for putting you in that situation; it was my fault. So I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

His eyes darted across my face, "Yeah, it is, so I can't blame you for feeling that way. I would forgive you but I'm unsure."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Why?"

"Well, I need convincing."

"How do I do that?"

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