Chapter 17

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Xion's POV

The whispers continued howling in its own wind. The words on the walls were unclear but significant. This time there was no mist so I could clearly see the structure. The stone was an old grey but the designs carved in the wall gave it youth.

I had decided to return to the 'elders cove', where the majority of my problems began, before going back to the palace. Elliott insisted he followed but I ordered the guards to leave us; I did not want them knowing about this place. I craved answers.

There were no windows on the outisde of the structure so no one could see in the inside. That raised the question what were they trying to hide. The eerieness of the whole area gave me cold chills.

We pursued forward regardless of all the warning signs. Again, I led us both through the darkness and followed the same route that I had used previously. Before we could reach the drawing room an arrow was shot, narrowly missing us. Elliott could see at this point, as the light from the collapsed roof sent in rays of sunlight in.

It all happened so fast I could not see the perpetrators. We dived behind the wall and adrenaline pumped through my veins. The arrows continued to fly, trying to intimidate us.

"Who is that?" Elliott panicked.

"I don't know."

I decided getting out would be the best option and led us away. The archer followed us and tried numerous times to hit our bodies as we ran. Fortunately, they weren't the best at accuracy and we left the building unscathed.

My guard was down too quickly and out of the darkness an arrow sliced through the air. I saw it come but I did not see it leave and I knew I was had not fell victim to the arrow. I glanced at Elliott and his face was filled with pain.

His hand trembled as it grazed over his lower abdomen, where the arrow was wedged. His white shirt was infected with his blood and lost its pure colour. He gritted his teeth as he tried to tolerate the pain. Another flew at windspeed but for an odd reason I moved out the way just as it whizzed past my ear. I knew the archer could fatally injure us, especially out the open, and with Elliott hurt we would not get very far.

Before they could get out of the entrance I supported Elliott and helped him hobble to the nearby bushes and lent him against a tree.

"I'll be back, don't take the arrow out." I commanded.

He reached out to me, "Be careful."

I nodded and ran to a different angle. I whistled out for Ebba and hoped he would come in time. The archer came out slowly and with their next arrow in place. I had only one weapon which was a small handmade knife my father had given to me that I always kept strapped to my thigh. This meant I would have to be within close range to use it effectively.

By now I could see his face and was confused by how light he was. It was light toffee and his eyes were slender, like Elliott's but glowed orange. I questioned where he was from and how he ended up here. He was not with the group of foreigners so who was he with and was he alone? His hair was short and curled, his stature was meduim and beige coloured clothes covered him.

I reached for a stone and threw it swiftly at him, knocking him in the head. Whilst he grunted in pain I ran from my coverings into the open. He readied an arrow but had no time to shoot as I was at arms length. I whacked his bow to the side and sent a direct kick to their stomach. I whipped out my knife and only managed to slice the side of his face as he moved back.

He attempted to hit me with his bow but I blocked it with my arms and slashed him with the small knife. It only cut his arm but it was enough to let me get another try and cut his chest. He groaned and resorted to using his arrow as a weapon, trying to hit me with it. After several near misses I broke his arrow and plunged my knife into his stomach.

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