When Will You Leave

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Y/n's POV

We finally arrived home. As I couldn't stop smiling. Me and Sanha are finally engaged. I can't believe it

"Baby let's go to bed" Sanha said

"Yes. I'll be there in a few minutes. I have to drink some water." i looked at him smiling as he came up to me and kissed me.

"Alright but don't let me wait to long for cuddles." he said slightly pouting.
I giggled.

"Yes, yes I won't. Go to bed" after a second kiss he walked towards the bedroom up stairs. What a dork. I thought while smiling. I quickly drank a glass of water and made sure the door was locked. It was, Sanha did it. Man I need to think more. I walked up the stairs as I yaw. I opened the door to see Sanha skipping through TV program's.

"You kept me waiting for 5 minutes." he said as he acted upset.
I looked at him and laughed.

"So? 5 minutes isn't much. You left me waiting for you to come pick me up because we had a date, for 1 hour. Do you remember that?" I asked as I watched him blush

"Don't bring it up. That was embarrassing. I decided when I would pick you up and thought I had to pick you up at 10 not 9. Sorry." I chuckled at his embarrassed face.

"I'm not sure if you didn't do it on purpose. But I don't care about it anymore. It was half a year ago. Stuff like that happens. So don't be embarrassed."

"OK I won't be embarrassed about it anymore. I just hope I won't be too late next time." he chuckled nervously. I looked at him while I changed into my PJs.

"You really don't have to be nervous. I couldn't possibly be mad at you for being late. You know me. I don't mind if you're late sometimes. I mean I'm too." I said as I climbed into bed and snuggled close to him under the blanket. He hugged me tight dropping the remote on the bed and hugging me with both arms.

" Yes you're late often. But you always put makeup and do your hair if we go on a date. You always look gorgeous. Even with no makeup. Next time we go on a date don't put a lot of makeup. I like you natural. Because you're perfect." I smiled buring my face into his chest.

" OK will do. "

We talked about what to do on our next date. We came up with going to the Café we used to meet. The one near the park. And then we would go hiking on the hill near town. I was excited to do that because I love to sounds of nature. The air and the animals. The plants. I loved it all.

Going hiking with Sanha was always so much fun.
I mean we're just walking through the woods and see some pretty flowers or cute little animals. Or maybe just butterflies. Those little things really make me fall more for him.
But it got me thinking. I mean we're engaged but will it last. Will we get married and have a family.
Astro got more famous and he isn't around that much anymore. He lives in the dorm with the other members and we usually only see each other on the weekend. It's kinda lonely without him.

"Sanha?" I asked while he was resting his head in the crock if my neck while watching TV

"hm?" he hummed back
" you know we're engaged now but...it got me thinking, will we actually last? Like I get it we love each other we're gonna promise to be together for the rest if our lives. So many people get divorced. What about us? Will our love be strong enough in 10 years will we already be divorced by then. I don't know what to think" he started slowly sitting up and looking at me kind of disappointed but soon looked understanding.

"I know what you mean. To be honest I'm scared of what will happen to us in the future too. But, I think we should make the best out of what we have. We shouldn't force ourselves into being a happy couple. Everyone fights, gets mad and make up. I want to be happy with you. I will enjoy the time with you no matter if it's 5 more years or 50 or maybe just 1... I want to love you in the now not future or past. I will never forget how I fell for you our first date, first kiss and well you know. I can't imagine how much love I will feel for you when we get married and one day have kids and a beautiful family. I can't wait to see us in the future. I will do my best to have our future be beautifull, full of love and joy. I want to see you happy. I want to see you happy with me so, don't worry to much just yet. We already went through a lot and we're still going strong."
He said smiling as I had tears trickling down my face. I hugged him thanking him for being with me and for loving me as he kissed my head and pulled me close.

"You hear this? This heart is beating for you. You're the only one who can hear it right now. I will share this with you as long as I can." his heart was beating fast just like the first time we kissed. It was insane. This man.. Still loved me like back then and I still loved him even more than back then.

" If you ever want to leave then please when we are on good terms... I wouldn't want to have a break up with you because of a fight." I said sniffing.

"Of course. But don't think about that. Let's love each other as much as we can." he kissed me and turned off the TV and hugged me tighter.

"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too beagle." I answered.
We where cuddling and slowly falling asleep. I still fell like this is the first time falling asleep in his arms. It felt the same but the feelings where stronger now than back then.
I loved this man and I want to spend my life with him.


Ahhhghh I'm SORRY. I didn't post the next chapter after so long. How long is it.? A year I really don't know. I'm really sorry. I will do my best to post at least once a week from now on.
I hope you're not mad at me. Please keep reading my story seeing that theres people enjoying reading my story gives me so much joy.
Anyway I love you all
I hope you're all doing well. And aren't going through to much because of Covid. Please think about others and your own health. Wash your hands and keep distance.
I love youuuu ❤️😘😘😘❤️❤️

 I love youuuu ❤️😘😘😘❤️❤️

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