Struggle Fights

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Her point of view

Smell, eww what kind of smell is this. I opened my eyes and saw unfamiliar surroundings.

Where the hell am I?

What the hell, my hands are tied behind me and my legs are tied too.

My head is hurting.

Shit. Shit, try to remember what happened.

Ughhh, I was going to discuss that issue with Ranveer when someone hit me from the back and used chloroform.

Shit. Shit.Shit...Papa, Maa, where are you?


Tears sprang out of my eyes.

Calm down, deep breaths, I have to find a way to get out.

There is a door, but whoever kidnapped me must be there. Windows! I should look for windows. There are no windows.

Shit, I hear footsteps of someone coming.

"So finally, you woke up, I thought I killed you already" a guy came into view.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember me? Huh! After all these years you don't remember me bitch" he said as he clutched my face with his hand and dug his fingers in my jaw way too tight.

"Step away from her" a voice I clearly remember.

"You, it's you, who did this to me. You son of a bitch" I was furious.

I remember his cheating.

He is a liar, a cheater, a jerk, Nitish!

"No, baby don't throw tantrums. It's not a place for you to throw tantrums, you see." He caressed my face as he traced his finger along my neck.

"Move your filthy hands away from me" I jerked my face back.

"Ouch," he made a hurt face.

He took my face and tried to kiss but I shut my lips tight shut.

After realizing that I am not going to reciprocate his touch and feelings he backed off.

"Wow, now you will force yourself on me, huh?" I spit and tried to clean my lips by my shoulder.

Then I noticed a bandage on his nose.

"So it was you, whose nose I just broke huh" I laughed.

"Still a weak little bastard huh" He just slapped me.

I just chuckled at his response.

"Where am I? And what's the point of all this" I asked the other guy.

I could deal with violence anyday, than Nitish's shitty face.

"I'll tell you bitch, this is us taking revenge. How can you so be stupid?" the other guy said.

What's his deal?

"Why are you helping him? I didn't do anything to you" I asked the other guy.

"Seriously, how can you be so ignorant? How could you forget me" with this he slapped me.

God, he slapped me hard.

All of a sudden he is in my face.

"I am that boy from college, who lost all the respect, who was suspended in college. My social and personal life was crushed. I am that boy who was beaten by your friends, you bitch" he clutched my jaw tight.

Ummm. What is he talking about? Shit, I can't remember, he is clutching too tight.

I can't concentrate.

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