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His point of view

I forgot about the meetings and didn't even pick up Neha's calls, as I was busy spending time with Trisha.

I was on cloud nine when she agreed and kissed me back.

But now I am on a flight to London because I missed the meetings.

I took the night flight.

Now I am jet lagged and attending a meeting on Sunday afternoon, I wish I could just return already to my Trisha.

"Sir, we have done the arrangements as per your requirements but there are some serious problems on the site, which need your attention," Thomas said and I just nodded as he handed me the files.

I inspected it.

"So shall we go to the site?" I stood up and buttoned my coat.

"Sure sir, I'll just call the transportation and we will be ready within 15 minutes" Thomas finished.

I nodded as I waited for them. It's already 3 pm here, which means it must be 7:30 there.

I should call her. I took my phone out smiling but before I could place the call, Thomas informed me about how they are ready.

We went to the site, did the changes required, and handled all the matters. They offered to dine together, I didn't deny it because I was tired and hungry at this point.

After dinner, I was finally free as I lay in my room, I quickly showered and came holding a towel against my waist as I took out my lower and t-shirt.

I remembered how Trisha reacted, getting all red-faced and all. I was smiling ear to ear looking at my clothes.

I should have called her, I unlocked my phone and saw the time was already past 11 pm which means she must be sleeping.

Ugh, I just miss her.

Where is the phone, who is calling me right, I finally found the phone, Maddy. Why is he calling me at this ungodly hour?

"What is Mads?"

"Wow, you are grumpy, why? It's 8:30 don't you have to be in the office already"

"You called me to lecture" I was frustrated as I needed my sleep.

"No, I wanted to know, if you can suggest to me a good restaurant"

"Why, ask someone else?" I groaned.

"Don't be a jerk, I just wanted your opinion because I asked Trisha for lunch and since you know her" I sat straight.

"No you are not going anywhere she doesn't like restaurant food, besides she is busy"

"Why are you behaving like that," he said, getting a little playful.

"I am not behaving like anything, just don't disturb her. She is busy with her expansion and all. Understood now I need sleep bye" I disconnected the call.

I quickly called Archit.

"Archit, Madhav may try to take Trisha out, don't let him do that, he may slip up about your identity, so don't let her out of the office for lunch or anything"

"Ok, when you are coming back?" he asked.

"I have an evening flight"

"One more thing when we are going to tell her?" Akash hated lying to her.

"As soon as we get evidence against them".

"Okay," he disconnected the call.

That day she planned to confess her love to that jerk. I was hoping for her happiness but when that jerk turned out to be the jerk he was.

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