Ugly Truths

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Her point of view

"Trisha... Trisha, what do you think?" Kriti asked.

"Huh?" I asked her with a puzzled look.

"About this piece that our team designed for Finland"

"Yeah, it is pretty great" I saw the designs in her hand.

She looked at me like she was observing something.

"Guys, meeting dismissed you finish the designs we'll see tomorrow. Cool?" Kriti asked.

Everyone showed thumbs-up signs and left the room and just when I started to move.

She stopped me.

"You in my office right now" She commanded me like an obliging person. I followed her.

"Sit" she ordered me.

"Aren't you being a little too much here" Suddenly Maya came running into the office and locked the door and shut the windows

"I am sorry, I was in the storeroom checking the shipments I just came as soon as I got the message" She sat in front of me on the sofa as she drank water from her bottle.

"What is happening?" I asked, looking between them.

"You tell us," Kriti said, looking at me well, glaring at me.

"Why are you in a trance since morning, you never did such a thing," Maya said.

"Forget it, the reason I called us here is because of this" Kriti showed the magazines and newspapers.

"Yay, I look good but I still don't get the hype?"

Then Kriti showed me some magazines from the one which I was on the front cover with Ranveer and on the side, 'Power Couple' was written in bold letters.

The picture was of us, entering the party.

"What is this? How can they do it?" I asked them in disbelief.

"Well, I read the article and also called them and they said, it was confirmed by Ranveer," Kriti said.

"What?" I was shocked.

"Are we suing them or something else?" Kriti said, smirking a little in the direction of Maya.

What are they thinking?

"No, we are not doing anything, I'll handle it," I said.

"Well, to be honest, I believed it though, as I saw your dance," Kriti said smirking.

"You know you can tell us, we can help in pursuing and all" Maya joined her too, very well three of us can play this game.

"No need, things are handled" I winked at them as I smiled.

"You bitch you need to tell us everything," Kriti said.

"Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt" I stood up and unlocked the door, and went to my office.

It's been 2 days since our confessions. Oh god, I just can't get over the fact that I kissed Ranveer.

Wow, it was nothing like I've ever experienced.

After our kiss and confession. I spent that day with him, we talked about almost everything from college to work.

He had to go out of India because of some work that he was supposed to do that morning but he spent the time with me, now he went urgently to London.

I spent the night thinking about all the stuff, to be honest, I needed to think all the things through.

I was so deep in my thinking that I didn't hear Madhav... wait Madhav?

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