😇baby please (henpat)😇

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This is vent again, and its mainly a phone call i guess and yes there is suicide. Not attended, actually doing it.

Henry was sat on his bed, writing. It was a suicide note. He couldn't handle his dad anymore, he couldn't handle the voices. He grumbles as his phone starts to buzz. He picks his phone up, smiling a little when he sees it qas pactrick calling him.

Henry: hey patty
Patrick: hey baby what you up too?

Henry looks down at his suicide note.

Henry: nothing much, you?
Patrick: nothing here too, want to come over? My parents are out~
Henry: sounds nice but-
Patrick: henry what are you doing?
Henry: sitting in bed
Patrick: with?
Henry: my phone
Patrick: im coming over
Henry: wait- Patrick!

Patrick ended the call before Henry finished his name. Patrick was coming here. Henry didnt want him to see how bad his arms where cut. He sighs getting off his bed. He was doing this now before anyone could stop him. He sets his note on his bed, grabbing a bottle of sleeping pills he had threatened the tharmasy worker to get. I pop open the bottle and taking out a few. He puts them in my mouth and swallow. He didnt feel anything for he took more. Finally they started to work. His vision blurred, his head felt light and dizzy. He stumbled to the ground. His dad yelling something. He spilled the rest, well very little pills that remained on the floor.

More yelling. Henry started to close his eyes as 2 sets of feet enter his room. He couldn't hear what they where saying or who they where. "Baby please" was all henry made out before nothing.

Patrick was on the ground in tears holdinh henrys limp body in his arms. Henrys dad was calling and ambulance in a panic. Henry didnt make it.

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