😇Im sorry my love(readerXstanley)😇

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Readers POV
Bill somehow convinced us all to go into the well house yet again to finally take down Pennywise. Me and Stanley are scared shitless as we are clinged to each other, hand holding and arm hugging. Thats one of the reasons I love Stanley, he always keeps me safe.

Before we all knew it we where in the tunnels, Eddie going on about gray water and practically attached to Richie who was cracking jokes to help calm everyone. Bill was leading the way while mike was close behind Bill giving words of encouragement to everyone, Ben and Beverly both on edge. I didn't even realise when Stanley let go of my hand till someone asked where stan was.

I freaked. Full out panic attack freaked. Eddie and Mike try to calm me down as we walked, the others calling out for Stanley. Eventually we found him. Pennywise bitting down on his face, I scream out in horror. Pretty sure I also scared Pennywise from how high pitched my scream was. The clown disappeared into the shadows leaving a crying and shaking Stanley.

Im the first by his side and he starts mumbling how we all left him, his mumbling soon turns to yelling as he got to his feet keeping his distance from us all. "Please stan we didny mean to, this place is a maze!" I cry out to him, more tears stream down my face as another attack starts to build up. "S-stan y/n h-h-had a-a f-fucking p-p-p-panic a-attake wh-when t-they s-s-seen y-y-you wh-where m-missing!" Bill stutters out, "and she looks like shes having another" eddie points out as I hug myself, a shaking mess as tears stream down my face. I made no sound at all.

Stanley wraps his arms around me to try and calm me down as I now cry into his chest.

Eventually we all calmed down and defeated Pennywise, once back up top as police question the others on what happened, as eddies mother smothers him I was taking care of Stanley with the help of a paramedic that is.

We where just saying nonsense to each other such as how next summer we should just stay home. Along with all the silly things we kept telling each other how much we loved one another, hugging, hand holding and kissing each others cheeks.

Both still a crying mess as we laugh from our near death experience. Then when everyone seems to be going home Stanley pulls me closer and kissed me. I gladly kissed him back, lets just say after that day we where much more inseparable

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