Chapter 1

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“Father, I am not ready to become a wife!” She knew her defiance was going to cost her later. 

“Isabella, I am old and soon I will be gone. I promised your mother that I would not leave you to take care of our estate without a man by your side.” The strength in the voice she knew so well was no longer there. Each word came out with a crack of his voice. 

She stood there in silence looking at her father’s weakened body lying in bed. His once dark, supple head of hair was now matted to his forehead with sweat. She wanted nothing more than to console him but her frustration stopped her. Tears welled up in her eyes looking at the shell of a man that was once her spirited father. 

“Please don’t bring mama into this, she would have wanted me to marry out of love.” Isabella’s body slumped against her father’s oak dresser. The fingers of her right hand dug into her upper left arm leaving red marks where they were placed. She felt as though her world was collapsing before her eyes.

“Your mother and I had an arranged marriage and we grew to love one another. I am sure the same will happen to you. We both want you to be happy with Jonathan.”

He couldn’t do this to her. Jonathan was ruthless and only wanted more money to aid in his gambling problems. He had already cleaned out the money his father had left him before he passed away. Knowing that her father liked him already gave him a way in. He had kept his gambling a secret hidden but when she had brought it up to her father he did nothing more than brush her aside and say, “Silly child, you mustn’t listen to the rubbish spread around by the less fortunate.” The tone in which he said the word “child” still rang through her mind.

“No Papa,” she shook her head violently from side to side, “not him! Not Jonathan!”

“I figured you would say as much so I have arranged a ball in a few days. There will be men your age and older from the manors across the country.”

She opened her mouth in protest but he cut her off, “Do not argue, the deed is done and you will choose tonight or I shall choose for you.” His eyes warned her not to speak.

Tightening her fists, attempting to hold her composure, she walked out of his bedroom, down the hallway and downstairs. The ballroom had begun to be filled with flowers for the upcoming party. None of this made sense. Her father was sick, yes that was true but surely he would get better…

Tonight was the ball. 

The sun was rising and she couldn’t sleep. In fact it had been three days without sleep. 

If her mother were still alive this would not have happened. Walking out the patio doors she followed the path down to the loading docks. The leaves seemed to have started changing but there was still a warm breeze. Glancing at four of the docks she moved to the farthest. These docks hadn’t been used since she was a child.

Isabella laid on her stomach with her arms folded below her head wanting everything to go away. The crashing of the waves and the chirping of the hungry seagulls flying overhead seemed strangely soothing to her. How long had it been since she last took the time to listen to the world around her?

“Frank! Stop tickling me,” she screamed between laughs. Her yellow sun dress was getting stained by the fresh grass despite her mother’s demands to stay clean. He continued tickling her and she rolled around laughing, gasping between laughs.

“Frank.” Her father’s booming voice was behind them. “They are arriving.”

“Yes sir.” Frank rose and helped Isabella up, brushing himself off and straightened his jacket.

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