Meeting Encounter

Start from the beginning

In return, I did the same. With that, I was telling him that he was dealing with a boss too.

With the sudden power change in the handshake, a smile came across his lips.

" Hi! I'm Ranveer, you were good enough with the presentation. We would like to do some discussion over this. We'll let you know" with that said he left the meeting room.

I was still in that trance just then Tarun interrupted my thought process. We all left the meeting room and started moving towards the lift. I was still in shock.

"Don't worry Cinderella! We liked your idea and we will call you. And thank you for today" Tarun spoke.

He smirked and extended his hand for goodbye just then I got my shit together and politely smiled at him.

"Thank YOU!! For today and we know our product is amazing and one last thing I'm not Cinderella!!!"

With that, I gave him a firm handshake and he chuckled at my last comment. As Kriti was saying bye to Mr Ravi, we entered the lift, and just when the lift door closed Kriti turned towards me with questions.

I stood there with my lips pressed together and when we reached the parking lot and started moving towards her car. We sat in the car.

At this point my head started throbbing with the pain I placed on the dashboard. I sighed a little loudly.

"We are not getting this deal!"

Kriti frowned and opened her mouth to ask questions before she could say anything. I stopped her.

"Let me finish, we are not getting this deal because I spilt your coffee on Ranveer, and with the tone, he said 'he'll tell us later. I'm pretty sure we are not getting this deal."

After returning home Kriti and Maya were pretty furious with me that I messed a pretty great deal because of my temper.

As we were sharks as we tend to hunt and they were whales which means they have assets, that's why no one messes with them and with their support we would have done pretty awesomely with our company.

But I'll find a way to overcome this loss.

"ENOUGH! Will you calm down and tell me exactly what happened?" And I explained everything to them and waited for them to shout at me.

But they remained mute as they were thinking about what happened.

"So, you ruined his dark black crisp suit" Maya chimed with that comment. And looked at Kriti where she was shocked and started smirking.

"Seriously! Maya, Trish is right, he was a douche bag with light brown eyes." Kriti spoke.

I scrunch my nose thinking about his eyes.

"NO! His eyes were chocolate brown like dark chocolate" They stared at me and started smirking.

Then I put some thought into what I said. After getting their sudden change of attitude towards the whole situation.

"NO! Stop that, I didn't mean like that, I just gradually noticed him like that."

"Hmmm! LIKE THAT!!" they said in unison more of them sang like a song.

"What's the colour of my brother's eyes? Umm NO, Tell me the colour of my son's eyes?" Maya asked.

"Huh! Too easy 'brown'" She widened her eyes and with anger, she charged towards me.

"You don't know my child's eye colour, what kind of best friend are you? You piece not just a piece, you are a load of shit. YOU..."

Kriti stopped her from kicking my ass while she was laughing and Maya was in full angry bird mode.

When I was about to counterattack that comment my phone started buzzing in my pocket. And brought the phone out and found an unknown number.

I shushed the two of them and picked up the call.


"Is this Miss Bhatt from The Aurora?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"Hello, I'm Neha, the Assistant of Mr Ranveer called to inform you that he would like to meet you again over dinner for discussion on the collaboration tomorrow at Radisson sharp at 8 pm," The other end said.

"Miss Neha, please inform your precious boss that he is not my boss and also I'm not free tomorrow," I spoke in irritation.

Shit, what just happened to me, I never behaved like this. I am a professional; it's common to have dinner meetings. Why the hell am I overreacting this much?

The assistant continued the blabbering and inhaled sharply and exhaled and I thought of talking to him personally.

"Miss Neha, if not too much trouble for you, can you connect me to Mr Ranveer"

She put my call on hold and finally after 5 minutes she informed me.

"Miss Bhatt, I am connecting you to him"

"Good evening! Miss Bhatt, Neha told me you have a problem with our meeting." he greeted, his voice was full of authority and confidence.

"Good evening, Mr Ranveer, I am not available tomorrow evening, but can make arrangements for lunch." There was silence on the line, I thought he had hung up.

"Hello? Mr Ranveer, are you there?" I enquired.

"Yes, Miss Bhatt, I'm here. And I just checked my calendar. I'm not free for the whole month, I can only meet you tomorrow evening. So, it's kind of a now or never types scenario for 6 months straight" clearing his throat he continued.

I was like, 'What the hell! Is he kidding or something?'

"Fine, I'll adjust my schedule then. See you tomorrow Mr Ranveer" I said dryly. He said OKAY and disconnected the call.

I came back to the room where Maya and Kriti were still arguing over something.

"Ranveer's assistant called and informed me, and told me that he wanted to have another dinner meeting with me at Radisson tomorrow," I told them.

They were shocked and agreed with the meeting. But mostly they were happy as it could be our second chance.

"Trisha, you have to maintain your cool tomorrow, it's a big deal for us," they said.

"But we have to check the shipment tomorrow," Maya spoke as she checked her calendar.

"Of course, I know, that's why I tried to adjust the meeting at lunch hour but he said he was not free for 6 months" I simply shrugged.

"WHAT! He is that kind of busy guy" Maya said while in shock.

"Of course, he is the C.E.O of R.V. group under which there are a lot of companies, what else do you expect from him. That's why it took a lot of effort and time to meet him" Kriti said.

"Trish dude I know, you would handle it carefully but please don't let your temper come around again," Maya spoke agreeing with Kriti.

"Sure, I will take care" With confidence in my eyes, I assured them.

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