(staring at her for a while): It's fine... What would you rather we call you??

Me (annoyed): But Master!!!

(in a finalized tone): It's better this way... I won't confuse the names later...

(smiling gratefully): Thanks Lì...

Me (sighing): Fine... What do we call each other???

Yǔ's POV

I just loved the expression on Bai Ze's face when we walked out and when I put those contact lenses in Lì's eyes. I couldn't believe how useful all this future stuff actually was. I couldn't help but smirk when he had no choice but to concede.

Percy: 1 Condescending BaiZe: 0

I felt bad not giving Lì my real name but I didn't want him to know my identity just yet. I am enjoying being myself, being just Percy, around him without having to pretend to be someone else. And I don't want him to change his attitude towards me... 

I was pondering what name to give when I thought of a brilliant idea that made my lips curve into a smirk, "Simple... You can continue to call him 'master'. He can call me 'dear' or 'darling' or something along those lines, and I'll just call him 'hubby'!!!"

Bai Ze (angry (as Lì looked flustered and in shock)): How dare you insinuate such a preposterous...!!!

Me (interrupting him): Oh, cool your jets... It's a perfect idea... This way we can keep others away and keep our identities hidden... It's also better than giving fake names and risk messing up and being exposed.

I was just giving out random reasons, I mean the effect would be the same if we called each other brother, sister, or cousin. But this way I can act intimate with Lì and make him flustered again. I wonder what his reaction would be if I jumped into his arms and screamed, "Hubby"... I smirked internally at that thought... That would be fun...

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a pervert or something, it's just that I've never seen a guy get so flustered over the actions of a girl, especially if the said girl was me. It just seems fun seeing him jump or suddenly blush and freeze up and look flustered when I tease him. And it would be a bonus seeing Bai Ze fume...

Bai Ze (more annoyed that I made sense): But...

Yǔ: Look, his and my current looks would just attract a lot of admirers... A hindsight on my part... So the best way to keep unwanted attention, it's best to give others the idea that we are together... It also gives us a cover story... It'll take a long time to change our looks now... So stop being a worry-wart and just let it be... Now, moving on (not giving anyone a chance to protest), what's the plan???

(looking hopeful): I don't suppose you can change Bai Ze's appearance too??

Me: Well, actually I only had enough material for two people... (Not true since I could just make more, but there are only so many things a single bag can hold) One for fun, and in case I needed a spare...

(troubled): But he's pretty well-known... And his brother too, I guess...

Bai Ze: There's not enough time for me too...

Me: Well, I don't have the supplies or time to change your appearance... But maybe...

I suddenly remembered something else from the future, that I've only seen in movies, which could be used to hide appearances, masquerade masks. That should do the trick. I once again slipped my hand into the bag, pulled out one, walked behind him, and tied it from behind...

Me (coming back to the front and staring at him (doubtful)): Does this do the trick??? You could also add a cloak to hide your features better.

(looking pleased): You seem to have the weirdest things in there that seem to be perfect... How many do you have???

Me: A few on me and more at home...

Bai Ze: Could I have one more for my brother?? He's going to meet us there...

Me (handing him one): So... How are we going to get there?? Walk?? Horse??

Bai Ze: It's too far for all those... We'll use our spirit beast... It will take about two to three days to reach by riding them...

I looked excitedly as they both summoned their beasts, the shadows formed into Lì's beast and I felt variations in the air, and huge winds blew as another beast formed out of the wind. I clenched my fist in anger, immediately recognizing the qi that made this new beast, Zeus. I couldn't stop this terrified feeling that overtook my body and involuntarily stepped away from it and moved closer to Lì's...

Me (quickly): I take dibs on Lì's beast...

Bai Ze (in protest): You can't ride with master!!! It's improper!!

Me (my eyes flashed with terror for a micro-second (stubbornly)): I'm riding Lì's!!!

(noticing the look in my eyes): It's fine... She can ride Shadow...

I didn't even wait for any disapproval and climbed onto Shadow, as the beast bent to help me up. I sat there quietly, taking deep breaths and trying to calm my racing heart and mind. 'It's fine...They don't even know I am here... I'm safe...I'm safe... ". Lì climbed up behind me and unconsciously my body leaned backwards onto him. It felt nice feeling him behind me. It somewhat grounded me and helped me relax... I noticed that Lì had stiffened (unfortunately I wasn't in the mood to find it amusing) but didn't do anything or say anything. I guess he must have felt that something was wrong. I kept my eyes closed shut and concentrated on my breathing, the memory of the execution all too fresh in my head and drifted into Morpheus' realm only to dream it once again...

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