Daddy| Peter Parker

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"Peter" I shout walking through the door and placing my keys down. "In the living room baby" he yells. I immediately smile at the sound of his voice.

As I walk into the living room I see Peter propped up on the edge of the sofa playing Fortnite. I make my way over and sit next to him making sure not to disturb him from his game. I place my head onto his shoulder and sigh, he moves his head and rests it on top of mine.

"Busy day baby?" He asks while placing a soft but quick kiss on top of my head. "Yeah I'm shattered, you?" He mumbles. "ahh so so. The usual you know"

"So when is your family coming over?" He asks while shooting an enemy on his game. I groan while falling back into the sofa. "You didn't forget did you?" He teases.

"No I didn't, I just hoped we could spend time time together, you know" I smirk hoping he got the idea. His head turned and his eyes looked at me with daggers. He immediately pauses the game, puts the controller down and leans over me. His lips hover over mine.

"Well we've got time now princess" he whispers while leaning down and kissing me passionately. I moan softly at his touch, I moan at the feeling of his hips grinding against mine and I moan at the feeling of his lips kissing down my neck.

As his hands move underneath my shirt the phone suddenly rings through the house. I look up towards the phone as Peter carries on kissing me. "B-babe" I moan. "I need to answer it. It could be my-oh my god" I moan. "My dad" I push him off me and reach out for the phone. "Hey Dad" I speak. Peter smirks at me and starts kissing down my stomach.

That little shit what are you doing.

"Hey sweetie, me, your mum and Morgan are thinking of coming over in ten minutes. Is that good for you? Dinner's on us." My eyes widen.

I feel Peter's breath is hovering over my clothed heat. His hands grip at my bum and squeezes. "Y-yeah...ahh..that's cool. See you soon" I reply. "Everything ok sweetie?" He asks noticing the change in my voice. "Oh yeah. I'm fine, just took off my heels" I bite my lip. "Ok see you soon. Love you" "I love you too dad"

Once I hung up the phone I threw it to the floor and grabbed Peter's hair and pulled him up towards me. "The fuck do you think your doing. My dad heard me" I scoff. "You know exactly what I was doing. Just wait till later on when you won't be able to walk princess" he smirks while whispering those words into my ear, making me shiver.

"Hey pumpkin. Where's the kid?" Tony asks while hugging me. "He's in the kitchen " I smile while closing the door behind them.

"Y/N" my little sister Morgan shouts as she runs towards me. "Hey sweetie". She hugs me tightly almost making me fall over. I kiss her forehead and greet my mum before heading into the kitchen.

"Uncle Peter" Morgan speaks while hugging his legs. "There's me favourite niece" he giggles while returning the hug. Myself and Morgan start setting up the table while Peter speaks to my mum and dad. "We're missing you in the field kid. We need you back, we all miss you" Tony says smiling. I look over to Peter with his eyes wide open and his moth slightly ajar. "You mean you miss him dad" everyone laughs.

"I'm serious pumpkin. We could really do with Peter being apart of the Avengers again" He says. "Tony. I've always have and always will be an Avenger but I want so start thinking about my future. My future with your daughter" my heart immediately melts at Peter's reply. He sends me a wink.

Argh that smile drives me crazy.

"Well you're always welcome back anytime Kid" he says. As we begin tucking into our Chinese takeaway I notice that the prawn crackers were on the other side of the table.

"Daddy can you pass me the prawn crackers please?" I ask while trying to reach out for them.

I suddenly see both my dad and Peter reaching for the crackers, my smile drops and my cheeks feel intensely warm. Peter suddenly freezes when we realises what's happening. His face also turns red with embarrassment, "I erm" he coughs while pulling his hand away letting Tony hand you the crackers.

My mum pepper breaks the silence. "So y/n how's work?" I look at my dad to see his eyes glaring at Peter, "It's going great. Everyone is so nice" I look down to Morgan to see her shoving rice in her mouth, thank god she didn't clock on.

"Does anyone want another drink" I speak up. "Yes, i could do with another refill" my dad replies. "Peter could you help me please" I ask while getting up and collecting the glasses.

As soon as we head into the kitchen Peter let's out a massive sigh. "Baby I'm so sorry I-I just completely zoned out. I shouldn't have reached for the prawn crackers" he rambles. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. "It's ok. We're adults, I assume my parents know that we have sex anyway. It's normal"

"B-but now they know what we're like in the bedroom. A kink they should not know about" he whispers. "Peter, don't overthink it, it's fine. Let's just finish off this dinner ok?" I say as I kiss him.

"Soooo. You don't hate me?" He hesitantly asks. I giggle. "It was a little awkward but it's ok. Could you help me with the glasses please daddy" I whisper the last part while walking past him. "You tease" he smirks and biting his lip. "You have no idea the things I want to do to you right now princess" he whispers while kissing my neck.

I purposely push my bum into his hips making him moan slightly. "Careful princess, otherwise you'll start something" he warns.

"Thanks for buying dinner mum and dad, we appreciate it" I smile while hugging them goodbye. "No problem pumpkin" my dad replies. He puts his arm around Peter and side hugs him smile smirking (just like the photo above)

"When will we next see you sweetie?" We cannot leave It as long as we have, We want to see you more often" my mum Pepper mentions while hugging me. I sigh "I know, I'll keep in touch and I'll let you know." I give Morgan and my dad a kiss and hug goodbye before waving them off and closing the door.

As I turn around to walk into the living room my body is suddenly slammed against the door. "Now where were we princess"

Do you want a part 2? If so it would of course be a smut for you lovely people😉

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