On Set| Tom Holland

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"So y/n what do you think?"

"I think it's great"

"There will also be a kissing scene that will include yourself and the main actor, and we just wanted to run by this with you before we start filming it later on today."

"That's fine with me. I mean I've not done a kissing scene before so this will be new"

"You'll be absolutely fine your in great hands. Thank you y/n"

"Great, thank you very much"

You had just been cast for your very first film and you were beyond excited. You'd not long finished your BA (Hons) acting degree and being cast as one of the main actors for this new film was just the beginning for your career.

You walked into your trailer to see a young girl about your age sorting out some bits and pieces.
"Oh hello I'm Grace. I'm your hair and makeup artist. It's very nice to meet you y/n"

"Hey Grace, it's very nice to meet you too" you shook her hand smiling. You had a good feeling you would become very good friends after filming.

"Here have seat, let's get you glammed up...So how are you feeling?"

"Excited, nervous and all over the place. Not sure how to feel really. I hope the main actor is nice."

"Ooo he is very nice indeed. I've had pleasure of meeting him a few times. He's lovely, you will like him" she winks.

You head to your wardrobe to get into the outfit out ready for the scene. It was a pair of black heels, black jeans, a sexy white blouse and underneath was a matching white lace lingerie set. You walked over to the mirror and looked at your reflection.

"Oh wow"
"Y/n you look amazing" Grace stops in awe. "Come on let's get you on set."

"Thank you" you say to her as you laugh. You take her hand and she takes you to the scene. When you walk in all the producers and directors look at you, causing you to blush and look at the floor. You then headed over to your director to start filming.

"Ahh y/n you look great. It's like the outfit was made for you"

"Thank you"

"Now it's time for you to meet your co-star" he turns around pointing to a guy with his back toward you. You suddenly get a fluttery feeling in your stomach. He then turns around and your eyes are met with your childhood crush and favourite actor Tom Holland.

He looks at you and smiles. He's wearing a pair of grey smart trousers, smart shoes and a blue shirt with little stripes down (what he's wearing in the photo above). He looked gorgeous. He walked towards you and introduced himself.

"H-hi I'm Tom. Tom Holland" he says smiling, which causes you to smile too.

"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you" you smile. Your fluttery stomach is now full of butterflies.

"Right, as you two have now gotten aquatinted let's get you set up" he says rubbing his hands together and smiling. You both follow him to where the scene was set up. It was all decked out made into a rooftop bar

"So. This is the first scene. You will both walk to the bar, order the same drink and then Tom will invite you to his room. Ok"

You both nod and make your way to where you begin. As you turn to stand in your place you see Tom already making eye contact with you.

"Right, quiet on set everyone. And...Action" the director shouts.

You begin walking towards the bar while the music blasts through the speakers. As you get the barman's attention you feel his body close to yours.

"Long island ice tea please" You both speak in sync.

"Drinks on me" he says winking.

"Why thank you" you blush.

"The names Sam, Sam Turner...and you are?" he says as he reaches for your hand to shake.

"Emilia..Emilia Smith" you say smiling at him seductively while accepting the hand shake.

Your drinks are then placed in front of you both. He pays the barman and you both take a sip of your drinks. You make eye contact as you finish taking a sip, once you place your drink down you feel his body even closer to yours.

"Why don't we go some place else. Somewhere that's a little more private" he says smirking as you. He gently takes your hand and you both walk towards the stairs.

"CUT" the director shouts. He then walks over to you both smiling. "That was a great take guys. Really loved the eye contact you both made. Right let's go to the next scene"

You both thank him and follow him. Your then greeted with a long hotel hallway.

"Right so this is the next scene. You'll both be hand in hand walking along here and then Tom will guide you to his suite. Once the door shuts he will pin you up against the door and that's when the kissing scene begins"

You both widen your eyes, looking at the director.

"Don't worry. Your both in great hands, y/n I know this is your first kissing scene so if you ever feel uncomfortable don't hesitate to ask to stop ok?"

As you nod you felt Tom's hands wrap around yours. He smiles at you reassuring you that it will be ok.

"Ok. And quiet on set again everyone. And...Action"

You both start walking hand in hand giggling and smiling at one another. He fiddles around for his room key and gestures for you to walk in first, once the door is closed you feel his hands wrap around your waist as he pins you to the door. You start to kiss each other passionately, you then feel his tongue asking for entry, you open your mouth and you let him explore. You wrap your arms around his neck and slightly pull at his hair as his hands slowly make their way to your bum, he gently squeezes making you moan softly. He pulls his lips away from yours as they make their way down to your neck, causing you to moan more. Your hands move down to his shirt and you start to unbutton it, meanwhile his hands make their way to your top. He gently pulls it over your head revealing your lace underwear.

"Let's take this to the bedroom" you speak softly

"And cut" the director yells once again. You both look at one another smiling. You feel your cheeks blushing the more you look into his eyes.

The director starts clapping his hands. "Wow.. that was amazing both of you. Right y/n would you mind going back to your trailer with Grace just to get a quick touch up. And Tom if you come with me we need to get you sorted. See you in ten guys"

You both walk off star struck. You feel all the butterflies going crazy in your stomach. You smiled to yourself, you just kissed you child hood crush and your favourite actor. You were in heaven.

Sorry that this was a very long and heated. There will be a part two coming soon.

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Thank you ❤️💜

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