Vandalism| Tom Holland

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"Come on y/n, it will be fun" Y/f/n said.

"I'm not going to bloody vandalise a bridge" you stated.

"Y/n we've been planning this for weeks. Why the sudden change of mind?" She says confused.

"Well we could either wing this and not get caught or get caught, get taken to prison and have a fine" you yelled.

"I promise we won't. It will be a quick job" No one will know it was us" You knew getting into this would lead to at least one or both of you to get caught. You rolled your eyes and nodded.

Y/f/n smiles widely. She hands you a black hoodie, plastic gloves and a mask to help disguise yourself. You picked up your rucksack which had all the spray cans inside and headed to your destination. Once you got out the car you put your gloves on, handed her some spray cans and got to work.

A few empty spray cans later you heard police sirens in the distance, and they were getting close quickly. Y/f/n threw you the empty cans as you shoved them your bag, you took your gloves off and threw them over the bridge. When you zipped up your bag you saw two police cars in your direction, you looked at y/f/n nodded then and ran off separating from one another.


You pulled up your mask over your face and ran. You turned to a police officer on your tail, but you being a clumsy soul you tripped and fell.

"Fuck off" you mumbled as the officer held your hands behind your back cuffing them. He picks you up making you face him. He pulls down your mask to reveal more of your face, you looked into his eyes.

"Miss, what were you doing?"

"Ballet dancing.. what do you think I was doing?" Instantly regretting what you said.

"You're coming with me" He turns you back around and walks you to his car. The officer was hot. Like really hot, gorgeous even.

"Ok officer?"


"I have the girl officer Osterfield, did you manage to find her friend?" He speaks into his radio.

"No sign of her/him officer Holland. Take her back to the station, I'll stay out and find the other"

You sighed while you walked with your head down to the car. Secretly you wanted y/f/n to get caught but also happy that she got away.

"You have the right to remain silent" Officer Holland speaks.

Once you go to the station your heart sank. Officer Holland opened the door, grabbed your arm and took you inside. "Sit here, be quiet when spoken to and only speak when told to. Got it"

You nodded and waited in the room patiently. The door opened and entered a much older man along with officer Holland right behind him.

"I'm officer Holland. Dom Holland. This is my son Tom Holland, but I can see you've already met. So is it true that you and your another friend vandalised the bridge?"

"Y-yes that's true" you mumbled.

"And your friend. Do you know where she went?"

"No officer. I don't know where she went. Let alone where she is" you replied. As he wrote down all the information on a piece of paper you bit your lip in nervousness. You looked up to see officer Holland to already looking at you with his jaw clenched, you looked him up and down then looked away.

"Why did you do it?" Officer Holland suddenly asked and raising an eyebrow. That was hot.

"Dunno just for fun I guess" you mumbled.

"Ok. Thank you. We've got all the information we need, looking at the penalty you will be charged with a £300 fine"

Your eyes widened, your heart sank knowing you'd messed up. You placed your head onto the table and cursed under your breath.

Fuck sake
Stupid bitch

"Yes fuck sake, should have thought this through before doing it. A young and pretty girl like yourself, I'm disappointed in you" He took hold of your arm one final time and guided you to his car to take you home. The ride home was silent, you looked out of the window and watched the scenery go past.

"Thank you for bringing me home. I could have walked though"

"That would have been a long walk. Plus how do I not know you could have gone back and done more?" He says smirking.

"Well I wouldn't have. I'm gonna go now" You reply while getting out of the car

"Hey..wait..erm look you're very pretty I'll be honest, but what I said about being disappointed in you was also honest. I just can't believe someone like you would that, please don't do it again. Can you promise me"

Then you did something that you never thought you would. You placed one hand on his shoulder, stood on your tippy toes and placed a soft kiss onto his cheek. You both smiled. "I promise. Oh and I'll be honest too you're very hot"

You said your goodbyes and headed inside. You then opened up your bag to reveal a spray can that was never taken away. However was a label stuck on it.

"I think you and me would make a great team. Call me sometime..Tom xx"

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