It Was Unintentional| Peter Parker

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"It's not what it looked like. Please you've got to believe me Peter"

You and Peter just got back home from being at a party that Mr Stark hosted, the whole night you and Peter were very distant. Many people wanted to spend time with him especially Tony they were very close. But you on the other hand got talking to another Avenger. Bucky Barnes (the winter soldier)

"Really y/n because it sure looked like something else" he scoffed. "Well at least he paid attention to me. The second we got there you'd gone" you shouted back

"Well I'm sorry that people wanted to spend time with me. I didn't have to invite you, I knew you would have been clingy with me the whole night anyway. But instead you were clingy with someone else"

"Clingy really? Well I wish I didn't accept the bloody invite. I'm not gonna bother with you right now" As soon as you went to leave he threw a web towards you, wrapping it around your neck and pinning you against the wall causing you loose your breath.


He ripped the web from your neck as fast as he could. You fell to the ground holding onto your neck trying to catch your breath. He grabbed your arms pulling you back up but you pushed him away.

"Get the fuck away from me." Fear and anger flew through your body.

"Y/N that was unintentional I'm so sorry. Please—"

"No get away from me. Don't touch me" tears welled up in your eyes. You couldn't believe what he just did. You left the room slamming the door behind you, you fell onto the sofa and cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning

As you woke up the memories from last night came flooding back. You didn't want to see or even be near Peter but you knew it had to be resolved, you then forced yourself to get up and get a glass of water. While you stood by the sink you felt his arms wrap around your waist while his head rested on your shoulder.

"Babe, I'm so sorry about last night. I would never ever mean to hurt you. I cried myself to sleep knowing how bad of a boyfriend I was, I understand if you don't want to speak to me but just please know i love you"

You placed the glass down and wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head onto his chest while you cried. "I'm sorry too Peter, for everything I said and what did. I can't stand arguing like this. I love you too"

He lifted your head to look into your eyes. You were both crying, he slowly moved closer to you and your lips softly touched. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer. All the memories from last night vanished, all that mattered was you loved one another and always will.

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