Chapter 10: Food Poisoning (pt.5)

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"Please bring my Hiichan back in one piece" Chaewon uttered, back-hugging her smaller girlfriend "Unnie, you've been telling that for the past 10 minutes and you're not even letting me go" Hitomi pouted.

"My Joyul! Please don't leave me!" The door of their room flung open, followed by a poor Yuri dragging her left leg as Yena hugged it tight.

"Babe! Please my pants is going down" Yuri pleaded.

"Are you guys sure you can handle this alone?" There's still an unsettled feeling inside Eunbi's chest. She wasn't really sure if she can entrust Minju with the kids since the frog itself is a child that needs alot of attention because of how clumsy she is.

"Eunbi" Hyewon held her shoulders "Give them some slack, I know these kids are responsible enough to handle themselves".

"Fine! Just take care and text us okay?".

Hitomi and Yuri was forcefully prided away from their girlfriends.


"My Joyul!"

They waved goodbye as they went out of dorm before their unnies change their minds. Before they left the complex, Minju took her phone and searched for the address.

"We gotta take the bus to get there and it's a 20 minutes ride" Minju read the bus schedule "We should go, we have 10 minutes for the next bus".

"Okay! Hands in!"

They all placed their hands in the middle "Maknae line! Fighting!" After their brief cheer, they walked towards the bus stop.

"Yah are they okay?" Eunbi asked, they are currently at the balcony of KangBi's room, they are using Sakura's binoculars to guard them.

"They are fine but, Nako seems abit smaller. Same thing with Hiichan" Yena said. Frowning, Sakura peaked at Yena only to see that the latter is using it the wrong way.

Sakura whacked Yena's head "Ouch! Yah!".

"You're using it the wrong way you dummy!".

When the maknaes are out of sight, Sakura and Yena immediately fled the room. They took their laptops, connecting it to the tv.

The coordinates are shown on the screen as well as the streets where they headed to.

"I installed a gps and a camera on Yuri's coat" Yena said while typing "I know Eunbi unnie will be a worried mom and all of us are worried for our maknaes, let alone that Minju is incharge".

After setting everything, they all plopped down the couch and watch their maknaes.

Truthfully, after 10 minutes of sitting in the shed their bus arrived. It was a silent ride for the maknaes, this was their first time to go on a mission without their unnies.

Nako lean her head against Wonyoung's shoulders "Sleepy?" The younger asked but Nako, shook her head.

"Are you guys ready for the interrogation later?" Minju asked and she earned a nod coming from the younger ones.

After a few more stops, they finally reached the street. Minju took her phone out and search for the address "It's a 30 minute walk".

"Let's go!".

They haven't started their journey yet when they got distracted by a hot dog stall. Hitomi was the first one to enter the stall and immediately ordered three sticks of cheese hotdog and the six of them started to hog the food.


"Are you sure they'll be able to conduct the interview?" Eunbi said, face palming as she watch the maknaes eat "I'm sure they will! Look at my kids, they eat so well" Hyewon said proudly and her girlfriend could only shake her head.


After their feast, they continue with their journey to the vendor's house. They finally reached their destination and they found themselves infront of a black gate.

Nako pressed the doorbell for a couple of times and a woman in her mid-50's opened the gates, the six of them bowed down to the lady "Good morning ma'am we are the members of an investigation team in our school" Minju stated "And we are here to ask a few questions regrding the arsenic poisoning".

The lady thought for awhile and decided to let the girls in. They seated on the couch as the woman prepared some them some snacks and juice. 

"Here are your snacks" she placed the tray down before sitting infront of them.

"So ma'am, did you notice anything or anyone suspicious that time?" Yujin asked. The woman was silent as she tried to recall her memory "I wasn't able to notice anyone at that time but, my son Taeyoung did".

"Can we talk to him?"

"No, he's at work but, he told me that he saw a man at the back of our tent" their ears suddenly perked up and their snacks are already forgotten.

"Did he saw his face?" Hitomi asked but the woman shook her head "No, and we didn't mind it that time because there were alot of customers that time".

Nako wrote everything in her notes and once done, they thanked the woman for her hospitality and she gave them some lemon tarts which, Yuri was skeptical to eat due to her experience.

"We didn't get much" Wonyoung pouted, Nako patted her cheeks "Well atleast we got to go to an adventure and we got a couple of evidence".

"Guys look at this" Yujin called out. They went beside the huge pup who is crouching down, the others followed suit. A light blue bottle is lying down on the side of the road, Hitomi took some tissue from her bag and took the bottle.

"40mL... Arsenic?!"

"Looks like he is tailing us, we should go home" they all nodded in agreement. Hitomi placed the bottle inside a ziplock and they'll ask the science club to check the DNA of the bottle.

The bus stop is on the other side of the road. When the red light is on, the six of them crossed to the other side. Hitomi was the last one to cross, a bright light suddenly blinded her making her froze on the spot and the last thing that she heard is a loud horn and her friends, screaming her name.



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