Chapter 17

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Damasen stood up, pushing the green leather chair back as he did so. 

"well then, that was a nice story, Perseus" His voice sounded a lot more curt than earlier, Percy must have offended him by calling him a giant earlier. "I think I have some matters to attend to, If you don't mind"

Damasen swiftly exited the hut, ducking through the doorway. He was a lot quieter than Percy would have thought possible for a 40 foot tall humanoid. 

Percy took a deep breath, then another. He didn't remember the last time he had time to breathe. It seemed like his life had just been one long rollercoaster, since he discovered he was a half blood at age 12. Even before that, all the incidents through his various schools ensured he never really had time to relax. 

It was strange really. Here he was in the pit of hell, in the hut of a giant, a being he was supposedly destined to battle against. Percy thought his body would be screaming at him to fight, but instead he just found himself wanting to talk to Damasen more. This was the closest he had ever been to death, and yet he only felt more calm than ever. 

Percy tried to get up, did a double take, then managed to get on his feet. his back was still incredibly sore, probably from when he let out a water explosion battling the arai. Oh right, that's what he was doing before he ended up in this hut, He'd almost forgotten. Percy stumbled towards the door, wincing with every step. 

Outside the hut, Percy was again greeted with the faint red glow that covered the land, a blood red reminder that he was in literal hell. the light was dim, but blinding enough in comparison to the darkness inside the hut. once Percy's eyes adjusted, he noticed a few plants scattered around the front of the hut. around the plants long thin bones were tied around, supporting the plants in their growth. Damasen was crouched around one of the plants, picking at the leaves. 

"I'm sorry, -" Percy tried to speak up, but his voice caught in his throat, sore from all the screaming he had been doing the past few days. 

"I didn't mean to offend you, I was just surprised is all" he managed, after some more coughing on his words. 

Damasen pursed his lips, his eyes still on the plant "It's fine, I've gotten enough of that to be used to it."

Percy couldn't help but chuckle. "yeah, tell me about it."

"How did you survive?" Damasen had turned away from his plant, and was now squinting intently at Percy, which he found slightly unnerving. "You dropped out of sky right in front of my hut, I was shocked to find a pulse."

"well, um..." Percy thought for a moment. He never really knew how he had stayed alive all this time, it almost just felt like he had to at this point.

"I'm not sure," He settled on eventually. "I was caught up in a fight, and it ended up like this, just like it always does."

Damasen had turned to him fully now, a few leaves in his hand as he looked at Percy. "You know, everything here is made from Drakon. The meat, the bones, the scales. I put it all to good use"

"a lot of Drakons show up in Tartarus?" Percy inquired. 

"No, just one," Damasen sighed. "I despise the fight, but everyday the Drakon is revived and sent to kill me again. I wanted peace, and as punishment I was sentenced to a war I fight daily."

Percy sneered. "disgusting punishment, I thought the gods were the only ones that had taste that bad"

Damasen looked up into the blood red mist "wherever I turn, the same story seems to recur"

A roar Erupted from somewhere not too far away, cutting the conversation short. the sound of a mad Giant. 

Percy tensed, causing the ache in his back to flare up again. 

"My brethren," Damasen breathed. "Are they after you?"

Percy nodded. He had almost forgot, the Giants he killed in the over world were now hunting him down, and he and only barely managed to avoid them. 

Damasen closed his fist around the leaves in his palm. "Well then, your time is up. I've treated to a place of rest here, but you must leave before they arrive. I will not fight in your battles." He sounded more sure now, more final. 

"I can understand that," Percy replied. "Where should I go?"

Damasen furrowed his eyebrows, darkened scales above his eyes. "Misery," He said finally. "She may hide you."

"Is that a friend of yours?"

"hardly, her help might be more pain than its worth," Damasen continued. "But its the only chance you have."

Percy took another deep breath and steadied his shoulders. "Okay. where do I find Misery?"

it was Damasen's turn to sneer. "Nowhere, everywhere. You don't look for Misery, Misery finds you." He turned and pointed in a direction, it seemed no different than any other. "Imagine Misery, and she will find you."

"That makes no sense," Percy grumbled, "but it's not like I have a choice do I?"

"No, I don't suppose you do"

Percy thought about heading inside again to get his things, before remembering he had nothing.  Maybe that was a benefit of impromptu travels, the light packing is convenient. Percy hobbled in the direction Damasen had pointed out, preparing himself for another tough walk. 

"Damasen, can I ask you one thing?" Percy's voice cracked again. 

"Hurry," Damasen grunted. He didn't seem too patient. 

"Was it worth it?" Percy faced towards the giant. they had talked for maybe ten minutes at the maximum, but Percy felt a strange understanding between the two of them. "Leaving the war, living in hell. Was it worth it?

Damasen's expression softened, and Percy thought for a second that maybe the understanding was mutual. 


Percy turned and ran. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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