Chapter 1

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9 days. 

Annabeth had once told Percy that it would apparently take 9 days to fall from earth to Tartarus. Had it been 9 days yet? or had he only been falling for just an hour? with only darkness around him, Percy couldn't tell the time, or how much of it had passed. 

As Percy fell, he closed his eyes and pictured Annabeth. All the trouble they had gone through together, only to be separated again? He felt his heart ache, because if given the choice, Percy knew she would probably want to fall with him. But he couldn't let her do that. Percy couldn't let her share his fortune. Not this time.

This was Tartarus for goodness sake. the very pit of evil itself. And Percy would rather be separated from her and forced to go through this hell alone, than see her go through it too.

Especially with what he was thinking.

Especially with what he was planning.

Percy felt the wind whistle in his ears. he felt the air around him become hotter and damper. the ache in his chest subsided, replaced with much heavier emotion. how could he have a fate this rotten? Sure, once Percy knew he was a demigod, he never expected his life to be easy. Most demigods die young at the hands of monsters. Most heroes never get a happy ending. But this? this was a whole new level. And only one goddess could ever devise a fate so twisted.

Gaea. she was the most bloodthirsty, patient, and cruel of the primordial gods that Percy knew of. somehow, someway, she had planned for him to fall into Tartarus like this. and by some method, her plan had succeeded. Percy felt his emotions settle in his stomach, and thicken, into a mass of anger toward the goddess. He opened his eyes and turned to face the winds blowing against him, determined to survive.

Percy stared into the reddish darkness ahead of him, unable to see the ground. He figured if he kept falling at this rate, he would be squashed into a demigod pancake when he reached the floor, if this pit had one. Percy had to figure out a way to slow his fall. he didn't have anything on his person except his clothes. Even riptide wasn't in his pocket, he assumed that it had been returned to his cabin by the others. He looked at his shirt, wondering if he could make it into some sort of parachute to slow his fall. But upon seeing the various rips and tears in the fabric, he knew it would be no use.  

Percy looked to the sides, searching for something to use. he looked left and right, but there was only rocks around him. Nothing of use. Water. Percy needed water. if he could get some, he would be able to survive. Percy thought of the last time he needed water, in Mount Helens, what seemed like a million years ago...

Percy's train of thought was stopped when the air around him grew hotter. Much hotter. The whistle in his ear had  grown uncomfortably loud, and the cave walls around him suddenly widened. Percy could see the bottom now, it was maybe half a mile down. for a moment He was too stunned to think properly. the whole of Manhattan could have fitted in this cavern, and he couldn't even see the full extent. Blood red clouds hung in the air. the terrain, or what Percy could make of it, was rocky black plains, with some jagged mountains and fiery chasms thrown in for good measure. to the left, the ground dropped down in miniature cliffs, looking like the stairs of the biggest giant He had never seen. these steppes lead down into darkness, and he could only wonder what lied down there.

the air smelled like sulfur. it was a toxic stench that filled his head, making it hard to think. it reminded Percy of his old step-father, Gabe uglliano. Man that guy smelled.

Percy shook his head and took another look at the landscape. he saw something that he hadn't noticed before. a thick black line going through the black landscape. black on black, how was he supposed to see that? but the black line was different from the landscape around it. it was getting closer now, and Percy realized- it was flowing. it was a river. and if it was a river, the chances we're he could control it to break it fall or something. it also could burn his soul or take his memory, but Percy decided not to think of those possibilities. this was his only chance.

Percy tumbled toward the river and it hurtled toward him. He closed his eyes, as he tried to call the river to obey him. But instead of feeling the usual tug in his gut, he felt crushed by a wave of emotion. When he tried to control the river, instead the river seems to speak to him, filling Percy's head with thought of misery and desperation.

He opened his eyes. Too late. The river was to close. As the black stream raced toward him, Percy had time for one last thought

Curse Gaea

And the river swallowed him.


Oh my gosh.

i haven't checked on this fanfic since i published it, and i did't expect it to even get any reads. i literally can't believe some of you even voted on this. so to you guys who are reading this, thanks so much for giving me a chance. 

if you have any constructive criticism / ideas, please feel free to tell me

will try to upload in several weeks

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