Tom Holland: Scary Movie

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"Tom," I groan, throwing my head back, "whyyy do we need to watch a horror film tonight? Why can't we watch something happy and fun that doesn't have demons in it?"

Tom chuckles and walks to me, grabbing my hands.

"Because, it just came out and I reeeally want to see it," he pouts, adding puppy eyes for extra effect. I roll my eyes.

"You know I hate them, I can never sleep after watching them," I complain, frowning.

"Good thing you've got me to protect you then," Tom says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me with him to the TV, where he puts the disk into the DVD player. He turns to face me and I try returning the puppy eyes he gave me before.

"Not gonna work on me, love," he grins, pulling me onto the sofa with him. I grab the blanket that's bunched up next to me and lay it over my lap and lay my head on Tom's shoulder. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him then props his feet on the coffee table. I do the same.

"Just know it's your fault if you get punched in the face when I get scared," I tell him, and his chest shakes with his laughter.

"Oh! Forgot!" He says, quickly standing up and turning the lights off.

"Tom, no!" I argue, but he runs back to the sofa and wraps me in his arms before I can go and turn them on.

"You're the worst," I grumble, and Tom laughs again.


"Babe, babe look, you're missing it!" Tom shakes me, but I shake my head.

"Nope. I'm good," I say into his chest with the blanket tucked under my chin.

Tom wraps both of his arms around me and laughs lightly.

"Fiiine, gives me an excuse to cuddle you closer anyway," he teases, and I find myself grinning. I peek up at him and he's already looking at me.

And then a loud screech sounds from the movie and I jump, burying my face into his chest again. He wraps his arms around me tighter.


I hear the movie end and I slowly leave the safety of Tom's arms and look at his face. He's smirking.

"See? Wasn't so bad," Tom teases, and I lightly punch his arm, rolling my eyes.

"You're lucky I love you," I tell him, then lean in and press a kiss to his lips.

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