Tom Holland: Puppy

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"Hello darling, are you at home yet?"

"I'm still on my way home, work ran a little longer than usual today," I say into the phone, smiling. I stop at my usual coffee stand and order a drink.

"Well how much longer do you think you'll be?" Tom asks.

"Um...maybe twenty minutes?" I guess. I hold my phone between my face and my shoulder as I take the cup from the vendor with one hand and put my wallet back into my purse with the other.

"O-okay, I'll see you soon then darling," he says, and I hear a whine on the other end.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Oh, er, I'm just playing with Tess," Tom stutters.

"Oh, okay," I reply, unsure. "I'll see you soon!"

"See you soon love, bye!" Tom says before hanging up. I tuck my phone back into my pocket and continue walking home.

Finally I reach my house and walk up to the front door and turn the knob. I walk inside and put my things down on the table just inside the door and am startled when I hear a high pitched bark.

I jerk my head up and see Tom standing in the living room, struggling to hold a puppy with a big bow around its neck. My jaw drops and I look at Tom incredulously.

"Happy birthday babe," he says smiling from ear to ear. I grin back and walk quickly towards him. He drops to the ground and so do I.

"Hello sweetie!" I say to the puppy, trying not to tear up. He leaps out of Tom's arms and runs into mine, licking my face. I giggle and pet him, looking at the name tag on his collar. Roscoe.

"I love him," I say, looking at Tom. "And I love you." I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips. "Thank you."

"I love you so much darling," he says with a grin. Just then Roscoe whines again and grabs our attention. We laugh and pet my new puppy. I look into Tom's eyes and just smile, and he does the same.

I sure do love him.

Tom Holland ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang