Tom Holland: I Hate Goodbyes

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I wake up to the sound of quiet footsteps around the bedroom and the zipper on a suitcase. A sound I know all too well. I sigh and open my eyes, looking over at Tom who is adding the last few things he's going to need to his bag while he's off filming again. I frown and sit up.

"Is it that time already?" I ask, my voice still scratchy from sleep. My voice seems to startle him.

"I didn't know you were awake yet. Lie back down, I'm climbing back in in a moment," he explains as he adds a pair of shoes to the suitcase. I nod and do as he says, pulling the duvet up and over myself once more. Just a minute later the covers rustle next to me and I'm met with a familiar warmth. Tom wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer.

"I just wanted to finish packing so we could do this for as long as we can today," he whispers, and I smile. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and he gently plays with my hair. This is usually how these mornings go. We stay in bed all day until it's time to go to the airport.

"Do you want to watch anything?" I mumble with my eyes still closed. Tom nods his head, so I sit up and grab the remote off of the night stand and turn on Netflix. We scroll for a while, unable to decide on something, so I turn on New Girl, which we've seen almost a dozen times. Before I can snuggle back into Tom, he kisses me on the forehead.

"I'm going to go make us some tea. Be right back," he says softly, then leaves the room. I stretch my arms and climb out of bed, walk to the closet, and put on one of Tom's t-shirts and climb back into the warmth of the covers.

Tom walks into the room with a cup in each hand, giving me one and climbing into bed with his own. I take small sips of mine as he cuddles in closer to me. I lean my head on his shoulder, smile, and try not to think about where we'll be in a few hours.


Tom holds my hand as we walk through the airport surrounded by his security team. We both wear our sunglasses and keep our heads down, moving quickly to the terminal that Tom and his team are all meeting. My grip on his hand tightens as I see the gate number come into view. Tom looks at me and shows me a half smile, telling me he isn't looking forward to this just as much as I'm not.

We stop a short distance away from the rest of the team so that we can say our goodbyes. We both remove our sunglasses and smile at each other.

"It's only a month or so this time, right?" I ask, and Tom nods with a smile.

"Definitely won't be too long," he adds, as if to reassure himself. I sigh.

"Then why is this still so hard?" I ask after a short pause, shaking my head. Tom grabs my hand and pulls me in, wrapping his arms around my waist. Mine wrap around his shoulders, one hand finding its way to his hair.

"Because you love me. And I love you. And that never makes this easier," he laughs. I giggle with him and pull away, grabbing his hand in mine. I smile.

"I'm going to miss you. A lot," I say for about the millionth time.

"And I'm going to miss you. A lot," Tom copies my words, and I laugh, tossing my head back. "And I'm going to miss that laugh," he adds, laughing with me. I grin and shake my head.

"I really hate goodbyes," Tom says after a moment.

"Then don't say goodbye. Say, 'see you later,'" I tell him.

"Ooh, what a line. Where'd that one come from?" He rolls his eyes, laughing.

"Some chick flick I watched," I admit with a giggle. Suddenly someone from Tom's team is calling him over. We look at each other and Tom plants a kiss on my lips, still holding my hand.

"I love you," he says, pulling away.

"I love you too," I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. He grins and turns around. "Bring me back something cool!" I call after him. He turns around and grins, showing me a thumbs up.

"Don't I always?" He teases.

I watch him follow the rest of his team through the gate and sigh once he's no longer in sight.

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