Tom Holland: Reunited

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It's been close to 3 months that Tom and I haven't seen each other, and I'm honestly shocked we've made it this long. Before he left for his press tour and to film his new movie, we saw each other almost every day. We were either at home spending the day with each other, or we were out and about, sneaking around to get away from paparazzi just so we could be together. I've missed his touch. His voice. The way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs. I miss him.

That's why I've made a deal with his agent to come and visit him for a few days.

And Tom has no idea. I can hardly contain my excitement.

I step off the plane with my carry-on and head for the terminal, where I'm supposed to meet Harrison. The walk seems a mile long, but eventually I make it. I fit everything into my carry-on, so I don't have any checked baggage. My eyes wander in the crowd of people to find Harrison. Eventually my eyes fall on his familiar face and I make my way over to him.

"Hi Haz," i grin, hugging him.

"Hey, (y/n), good to see you. Tom will be so excited," he grins back at me.

"Don't know if it's possible to be more excited than I am," I tease, pulling away. "How have you been?"

"Busy. This whole new experience is great, but I don't think I've ever been busier. It's great, though," Haz says, leading me out to his car. I toss my bag into the back and climb into the passenger seat. Harrison pulls out of the airport parking and we're on our way to the movie studio.

The drive doesn't go quick enough. My knee bounces with anticipation and my hands shake with excitement. I think Harrison senses how antsy I am, because he keeps laughing when he looks at me. I smile and shake my head.

Finally, after what feels like forever, we arrive at the studio. I grab my bag out of the back of the car and meet Harrison at the entrance to the studio.

"Okay. Here's the plan. You're going to follow me, you won't make any noise, got it? I'll direct you to Tom's dressing room. He should be done shooting in...half an hour?" He instructs, checking his watch. "Yep. And you'll just sit in there and wait for him, and surprise him however you want. Deal?"

I nod, grinning from ear to ear.

"Good. Let's go."

We walk through the door and I follow Haz down a long hallway. I start hearing loud crashing noises and some shouts. We approach a double door with windows. I glance through as we're passing and see a scenery set in a parking garage, lots of green screens, and Tom. Tom!! I screech to a stop and walk back to the door, peeking through the small window.

"Haz, wait!" I loudly whisper, and he heads back my way. "I just want to watch him for a minute." I watch as Tom, in a newer Spiderman suit, appears to be running around confused and scared. Some explosion sounds happen here and there. I'm extremely confused as to what the heck is going on, but I decide I've been standing there long enough. I'll get to talk to him about it later.

"Alright, lets go (Y/n)," Harrison says, and we continue our journey through the building. We eventually round a corner and come upon a hall lined with dressing rooms. I'll have to say hello to Zendaya while I'm here. And Jacob. I get excited seeing some new dressing rooms, like Jake Gyllenhaal's. We walk to the end of the hall and reach Tom's dressing room. Harrison pushes the door open, and inside there isn't much. Directly ahead is a large mirror and counter top, a chair facing them, and right next to the entrance is a sofa, also facing the mirror. To the left there's a walk in closet. I look around and try to figure out where to put my things. I see an empty space on the counter top and decide to put my bag there. Maybe it will blend in enough not to notice at first.

"Alright. I'll send you a text when he's headed your way, alright? Should be in about fifteen minutes," Harrison says, grinning. "I'm gonna go watch the rest of this shoot." Then he walks out the door and closes it behind him. I grin and pace around the room. I decide I'll hide just inside the closet and wait for Tom to notice my bag. I'll let him be confused for a minute. And then I'll sneak up on him. I smile widely. I sit on the sofa and scroll through my social media for a little while until I finally receive a text from Harrison.

Haz: incoming!!

I scramble off the couch and run to the dressing room. Then I get a text from Tom.

Tom❤️: thinking about you right now, miss you so much.

I grin with even more excitement, he doesn't even know what's coming.

Me: I miss you too babe, hope everything is going well.

I send the text, and then I hear the door knob jiggle before the creak of the door opening. From my hiding spot I can see his reflection in the mirror, he's just walked in and is going toward the mirror. He sets his phone down on the counter among other things, and then plops down into the chair. He lets out a deep breath, and then something catches his eye. My bag. I grin. It worked, I think to myself. He stands up and touches the duffel bag, then looks around.

"What the..." I hear him whisper. He looks around for a second, then back to the bag and starts messing with it. I decide this is the moment to sneak up on him.

"Harrison I swear if this is some kind of prank I-" he begins to yell, but then I hug him from behind and bury my face in his shoulder. I think it scared him a bit, because he jumps, but then looking at the reflection in the mirror he realizes who it is.

"(Y/n)?!" He asks excitedly, detaches himself from me and spins around, wraps his arms around my waist, then lifts me off the ground for a moment and pulls me into his strong arms again. Oh, oh oh oh how I've missed this, is all I can think.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Tom says, gently setting me back on the ground.

"Surprise!" I say, laughing.

"How long have you-? Did Harrison-?"

"Haz knew, I've only been here about thirty minutes," I grin, and Tom grins back.

"I can't believe you," Tom laughs. "I can't believe you're here!"

"Honestly, I cant either. It's been so long since I've seen you," I say softly. And then Tom pulls me in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. Something I'd been craving for so long. I kiss him back, and the kiss quickly becomes heated. Tom pulls me in closer until there's no space between us. My hand slowly makes its way up his back and into his soft curls. One of Tom's hands cups my face, the other is wrapped tightly around my waist. Our breaths get heavy. We've been longing to be this close for so long. Finally we pull away slowly. My eyes stay closed for a few moments. Finally I smile and let my eyes slowly flutter open to meet his.

"I love you, Tom," I say breathlessly.

"I love you too, (Y/n). Best surprise ever."

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