Tom Holland: Coffee Shop AU

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My nose is buried in my book as I stand in line, waiting for my turn to order. This is a place and situation I spend every Saturday morning. The bell on the door chiming every now and then, the cold breeze that follows the opening and closing of the door, the smell of fresh pastries and coffee, they're all sounds and smells and sensations that just make me feel warm inside. It's like a sanctuary for me, I guess, away from work, away from school, I'm in my own little place that's just for me.

"Next!" The barista calls, and I'm one person closer to the counter. I turn back to my book, once I've stepped forward, continuing where I left off.

The chime of the bell fills my ears, followed by the cool breeze, and the sound of footsteps entering the building and stopping in line behind me. The scent of cologne fills my nose. Not the strong and overwhelming kind, but just enough to be noticeable. The man, who took the place in line behind me, lets out a huff, probably allowing himself to relax after walking outside in the brisk air. I did the same thing when I walked in.

"I can help who's next," the barista calls, and I step forward to the counter. I order a coffee and muffin, pay, and then turn to find myself a table. I'm a little disheartened, seeing that every table has an occupant.

I scan over the room one more time and am relieved to find a small table in the corner. I quickly make my way to the table to claim it. Taking a seat, I remove my jacket and hang it on the back of my chair, take a sip of my coffee, and pick up my book once more. I read for a few minutes, occasionally taking a bite of my muffin, getting lost in the story.

"Excuse me," a light male voice with a British accent interrupts my thoughts. The familiar scent of cologne fills my nose. I finish the sentence I'm reading and look up. My eyes are met with soft brown ones. I smile.

"Hi," I greet the man. He's bundled up in a black coat, his hair a bit disheveled, most likely because of the cold wind outside.

"Hi," he replies, "I wondered if I could share your table? All the others are full..." he asks. I nod and smile, clearing space for his things on the table.

"Thank you," he grins, removing his coat and putting it on his chair, just like I did.

"Not a problem," I reply.

"M-my name's Tom, by the way," he greets, sticking his hand out.

"(Y/n), nice to meet you Tom," I respond, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you," he copies, smiling at me. I take another sip of my coffee and take the last bite of my muffin, then pick up my book again, scanning the pages until I find my spot again, then carry on reading. I read for a minute before I'm interrupted again.

"Little Women, that's a good one," Tom says softly. I smile and lower my book.

"You've read it?" I ask, smiling.

"Er...well, no, but...I've seen the film," he says bashfully, and I laugh.

"The movie is good, too," I smile, then look back down at my book, continuing to read. I probably only make it a page further when my thoughts wander to the attractive man sitting across the table from me. The soft texture of his hair. The warmth in the color of his eyes. His melodic voice...

I realize I've been reading the page but don't have a clue what I read and have to restart the page. Although, once I start again I find myself in the same  situation.

Maybe he won't notice if I look at him?

Trying to be as discreet as possible, I glance up in the direction of Tom, who is taking a sip of his drink and jotting something down in a notebook. He bites his bottom lip and his brows are furrowed in concentration and I can't help but stare.

To be quite frank he's a beautiful man. He sets his cup down and his eyes flicker up to mine, and I quickly look down at my book, my face heating up due to the redness I'm sure that has filled it. I bounce my knee lightly and distractedly read the page in front of me for the third time. Embarrassed that I got caught, I keep myself focused on my reading.

A few minutes pass and I feel the odd sense that someone is looking at me. I glance up from my book only to see that Tom is doing the same thing I had been doing only minutes before. He quickly glances back down at his notebook, but I can see a light smirk on his lips, a pink tint reaching his cheeks. I smile and chuckle, causing him to look back up at me. He smiles back at me when he sees that I'm not weirded out and let's out a small laugh.

"I'm sorry, I should definitely be minding my own business," he says bashfully, "but, um...would you, maybe, uh...could I get your number?" He asks, struggling to find his words. I blush and lightly laugh, nodding, and reaching my hand out for him to place his phone in. He does so and I type in my contact information.

"Here," I say as I pass the device back to him. He smiles and takes it, typing something and then my phone chimes.

"There, I've sent you a message," he tells me, tucking his phone into his pocket. He begins gathering all of his things, then stands from the table.

"Well, I've got to get going, but it was nice meeting you, (Y/n). Maybe we can get together again soon," he says, looking at me hopefully.

"Yeah, yeah I'd like that," I reply, grinning. He smiles and walks over to the door. My eyes follow him there, and before exiting the building he turns around to face me. When he notices me already looking he smirks and blushes, then pushes the door open. The light chime of the bell follows and he leaves my sight.

I turn back to my book biting my lip lightly, my thoughts still on Tom. I don't think I'll be doing much reading today.


First time posting in a while, I know! College is crazy and takes up all of my time. Sorry this one was shorter than some of my others, hope you enjoyed!

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