Peter Parker: I Can't Lose You

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Don't hate me. K thanks.

A little graphic.


I swing my fist in the direction of the man I'm fighting. The sound of crashing debris surrounds me. The sound of destruction. I feel my fist make connection with a strong jaw, but my hit is hard enough to throw the man off-guard. He grunts as he staggered backwards, and while he's distracted I swing my leg around, taking his feet out from underneath him and sending him hard to the ground. I punch him again in the face, knocking him out. I shake out my hand, turn, and run to find someone else to fight.

Running down the street I can see Tony fighting off a group of men with high tech weapons. Natasha is easily dealing with two more men. A little ways away I can hear Bruce—well, Hulk—yelling and fighting something. Probably one of the large drones that's flying around.

I feel some bullets hit my armor and turn to see another man aiming a gun at me. I quickly form a portal beneath him sending him to some arctic place. I'm sure he'll enjoy the cold.

I hear some yelling and the familiar thwip of webs. I look a little further down the street and see Peter fighting off a large group of men. He's doing fine, but he could use some help. I form a portal in front of me and appear directly next to Peter and punch a guy in the face, then kick him to the ground. I create a small portal in front of me and punch through it, hitting someone behind Peter.

"(Y/n!)" Peter shrieks.

"Hey Pete," I smirk, knowing I caught him off guard.

"I had this covered you know," he says, turning and shooting a web at an oncoming enemy, sending him across the street and against a brick wall. I roundhouse kick someone behind me and use a few more portals to attack more targets. One man throws a fist in my direction, but I form a portal in front of me that lets out directly next to his head, and his fist goes straight through and he ends up punching himself, knocking himself out cold.

Once all the surrounding enemies have been taken care of, Peter let's out a heavy breath, and so do I. He makes his way over to me and pulls up the bottom half of his mask, placing his lips on mine.

"Thanks for helping me out, babe," he says. "But I can handle my own problems," he teases, a smirk on his face.

"I know you can, what's so terrible about me wanting to be closer to you?" I tease back, kissing him again.

"Hey, you kids wanna actually help out instead of making out?" I hear Sam's voice in my earpiece.

"Right," I stutter, embarrassed. Peter laughs and we both take off running down the street.

We reach the main center of town and everything is in chaos. Steve is fighting off all kinds of soldiers, as is Tony. Natasha and Wanda are handling a large drone off to the side. Sam is attacking from the air.

Before I can say anything Peter swings off to fight off more soldiers. I hear a loud roaring rumble and cover my ears for a second, looking for the source of the sound. My eyes land on a large ship in the sky, which I can only imagine is full of more soldiers. Possibly even the source of the technology they're using.

"Guys, is that thing the power source?" I ask, pressing my finger to the small earpiece.

"We can only assume that's what it is, but there's no way of knowing," Steve replies. I nod.

"I think I can get rid of it," I say, already building up energy for a portal.

"(Y/n), no, you can't, it'll use too much of your energy," I hear Peter's voice, but I ignore it. I reach my hands out in the direction of the large ship and create a large portal directly in front of it, one that will send the ship to space. My body is already shaking from the amount of power it takes to create it. I focus harder, allowing myself to use more energy and make the opening in the sky even larger.

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