Module 11- Debrief

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"We are presented all the time with a choice. Do we return to old destructive habits or do we take whatever we're experiencing as an opportunity and support for having a fresh relationship with life?" - Pema Chodron, Taking the Leap

In the last module, I hinted at the importance of debriefing in order to assess how your Course Correct has gone or—like you saw in my Engine Failure excerpt—how your Course Correct went off the rails and what you can do to get back on track and/or start over at Day 1 like I had to do.

Review and reflection are crucial components to knowing how you, as a unique individual, responded to the rules you set for your Course Correct. Where you may have fallen short in your goals and how you can improve. What rules did you set that didn't actually make you feel as if you were on course? It's okay to realize some of our goals either weren't "ours" or that some goals or rules weren't truly in line with the highest vision of who we are. When we know better we do better, right? Debriefing is how you get clarity.

In order to move ahead toward your goals, you want to reinforce what you did right and illuminate how you can do better.

During my Course Correct, I didn't just debrief. I kept a log, as I've advised you to do. I wanted to record those non-scale victories in mood, emotions, relationships, etc., and feared (correctly) that I wouldn't remember as much as I thought I would. Being able to go back and read these details is incredibly illuminating and often is a much better picture of progress.


December 14th

This is about making space for what's most important to me—allowing my best self, my best life—to slowly emerge. She will take her time. I will hold the door.

December 18th

Sleeping like a madwoman. My energy in the daytime is still low. I feel like I'm recovering from an illness. Maybe that's what long term abuse of your body and soul does; mimics low-grade illness... I voluntarily turned the dimmer switch on my own life.

Life is too short to live a half-life. It's too precious to live it shallow, flying low to the ground, not reaching our highest potential.

It takes discipline to be truly happy. "Sacrificing what you want now for what you want most."

Quit ignoring that voice inside you! The one that wants only the best for you. The one that is quite literally your best friend, your best self. What needs to happen for you to let her have her time in the sun?

Make a vow to yourself. Here's mine:

From this moment, I will do all I can to do what's best for my health, wellness, happiness, and peacefulness. No more of the cycles of self-indulgence and self-recrimination. No more excuses. I can't make any excuse that will be more valid than making LOVING choices for myself. From now own, I will fly a different pattern and Course Correct when I need to—over and over again if that's what it takes—to get to where I want to go. I am worth it.

The vision of the woman you want to become should always be on your mind. She is waiting for you to connect, to align yourself with her. Every day should be a step in the direction of that vision. A wonderful pilot term for you:

CAVU = ceiling and visibility unlimited

"Future you" will thank "now you." BLUE SKIES!

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