Module 6 - M.A.P. My Action Plan

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"I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through - then follow through." - Eddie Rickenbacker

"A map says to you. Read me carefully, follow me closely, doubt me not... I am the earth in the palm of your hand." ~ Beryl Markham

After reading through the previous modules and taking a clear-eyed assessment of the areas of your life you want to revamp, you are now ready to make your 90-Day plan.

For every life zone in which you want to Course Correct, you should have a list of changes you know you need to make in that zone. There's a reason you will prioritize your action items. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed. You're obviously free to go booya and initiate sweeping changes all at once. Honestly, that's what I did. But it's not the only way. I tend to have an "all or nothing" personality. If I'm going to go in, I'm usually going to go ALL IN. (Full disclosure: this led me to experience some "heavy turbulence" in a couple of areas and I'll address those bumps in the road in an upcoming module.)

Because you've prioritized items in each of the zones or segments of your life that were in need of a Course Correction, you now have a M.A.P. (My Action Plan), a starting point for a whole-life radical reset. You will implement change in each of those life zones and that consistency is going to get you where you want to go.

The question is, which method will work best for you? Across the board, sweeping change? Or, gradual implementation of the changes so that you're not overwhelmed?

Let's cover the two options. I like to give you a choice because I trust that your Highest Self knows what works best for you. You don't need me to tell you. You are an individual with your own unique strengths and weaknesses and a threshold for overwhelm or change. If you truly listen, your HS will tell you which option is most likely to lead to success for you. 

This entire course is an attempt to get you to stop listening to the myriad of voices around your mental/emotional conference table. Some of those voices do not have your best interest at heart. Course Correct is an introduction to elevating and highlighting the voice of your Highest Self so that you can live more authentically and happily.

Option A:

All in. Take your list of 3-5 changes you wrote down for each life zone you felt needed a Course Correct and live by those changes for 90 days.

Option B:

Implement the #1 change in each area for the first 30 days. Add in the next priority item for days 30-60 (while still adhering to the top priority change,) and then insert the 3rd (or more) Course Correct items in the last 60-90 days. In other words, the last month of your Course Correct will be a FULL implementation of all changes/rules you designed for yourself.

If you take this gentler approach, you can integrate new Course Correct changes as you begin to master the higher priority ones.

One thought says to ease gradually into change but I had to accept my inclination toward all or nothing and use it to my advantage. All in. All go. Firing on all cylinders. Sure, I might not know exactly which thing made the ultimate difference but my intuition tells me it won't be just one thing. It'll be all the parts, working together. I'll be the symphony.


These are not "I'll trys", these are RULES that you are committed to living by for 90 days. It is far easier to say "I'm not eating fast food for 90 days" than it is to say, "I'm going to try to eat healthier." One is declarative, with power and strength and resolve behind it. One is wishy-washy.

Wishy-washy is what got us off course in the first place.

You can do anything for one day. Do that. One day. Then the next and the next. Every day, make the choice to live by your Course Correct rules. While some days may feel long (particularly the first few) the whole of the 90-day program will fly by. Will you look back on those 90 days with regret or delight?

Why 90 days? How did I come up with that number?

I've often read that new cells replace existing cells in your body every 90 days. After years of abusing my body, I figured that true healing would take more time than a month or even a six or eight-week plan. 90 days go by in a flash. You know this because of every time you've tried to implement a pre-summer diet and then found yourself at the end of summer wondering how all that time went by so fast with absolutely no progress on your goals.

The 90 days will come and go whether you're Course Correcting or not. Wouldn't you rather look back on that relatively short time with the pride of knowing you steered toward your Highest Self?

No matter which method you choose for your Course Correct, by the end of the 90 days, you will see a significant redirect from where you were headed to where you truly want to go.

This is how change happens. You assess, plan, and commit. You are the P.I.C., The pilot in command, of this vessel called your life. You get to decide the direction you go and at which speed. The power and controls are literally in your hands.

It's time to rev up the engines and take off!

Action Item:

· You should now be equipped with your personal Course Correct M.A.P. You have a set of new rules to live by. You have a start date.

· To help yourself, make sure you've signed up for any supportive apps like MyFitnessPal or Productive.

A word of caution: don't let things like setting up apps or vision boards become procrastination props. You are committing to a start date and you will start off on the right foot by not pushing that date further away. Haven't you been doing exactly that in a few areas of your life? Isn't that how you got off course to begin with? No more.

This is a new beginning. This is a journey to the person you were meant to be. It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime. Let that be here and now.

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