(6) NiCO (Part 2) "Lab partners"

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Helena: *sip* So have you met NiCO?

We eat breakfast as usual.

Shiki: Yeah. Helena, why did you want me to meet her exactly?

Helena: *sip*

She picked up her coffee cup and took another sip.

Helena: I would like you to befriend NiCO.

be.....friend her?

Shiki: What do you mean by that?

Helena: No reason behind it...you have not seen the news have you?

Shiki: eh? what about the news?

Helena switches on the T.V.

T.V: NiCO has-

Shiki: whoa! She's on the news?

Helena: Now, a successful girl like her should be overjoyed right? She has done something she should be proud of....but...

NiCO: ...........

Shiki: why does she look so...sad?

Helena: Apparently she has had a rough childhood, Her father died...her mother left her...she has been all alone all this time.

Shiki: ah....

Helena: I'm like her...both my parents died...I lost all hope...but...When I met your mother I feel like I have regained that hope. I want this girl to find someone she can lean on. So! Mr.Hero, will you save this damsel in distress?

Shiki: ...I'll try.

I get up, put my blazer on, and leave the house.

I hope I meet her there today.

KONBINI ......

Shiki: Yo!

NiCO: Shiki-Kun?

So she always comes here.

Shiki: Buying Jalutertti again I see!

NiCO: Joulutorttu.

Shiki: R-Right! I'm here to buy a bento.

NiCO: They are all out of Bentos.

Shiki: EH!!!? NO Waaaaaay... Guess I'll Just settle for the cafet-

Brad: Yoo, Virgin, Before you finish that sentence, *BURP* The cafeteria is doing some maintenance work so it's closed. ohhh! haven't seen this one before!

He picks up a wine bottle.

Brad: Good luck kid.

Shiki: ah...welp...I'm screwed.

NiCO: ....I am willing to share my box of Joulutorttu, that is...if you would agree to eat lunch with me.

is.....is this a God send!?

Shiki: Is that alright?

NiCO: *nod*

Shiki: Thanks!

Clerk: ah! Back again NiCO-Chan? let's see...that would be ¥10,000 please.

T-Ten thousand!?

NiCO: Here. I suggest you Restock again.

Clerk: we just did... Here's Your change! Thank you come again!

we leave the store.

Shiki: That's right...are you gonna attend class?

NiCO: No. I heard the new teacher reeks of alcohol.....that, and class is bothersome.

Shiki: heeeh?


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