(8) NiCO (Part 4)

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Shiki: ......

"Rise and shine little boy."

Shiki: ......nn? Five more minutes.



Shiki: Ah! Easy! ...nn?

I was hanging upside down.

Shiki: Oh. Well if it isn't...uh...Samantha?

Christie: My name is Christie you dolt!

Shiki: Ah right. Jeez. Why are you so angry!? That time of the month?

Christie: That's it Kid! I'm gonna kill you myself-!

"That's quite enough. Honestly, you have no tact."

Shiki: .....

NiCO: Glad to see you're awake.

Shiki: ....

I close my eyes.

Christie: Aww~ He's angry at you for betraying him. Gonna cry kid?

Shiki: hm? Oh. Nah, I was just sick of looking at your cleavage. Have some shame Carmen.

Christie: Who the hell are you calling Carmen asshole!

She kicks me.

Shiki: Ah! Hey! I ain't no fucking piñata!

NiCO: .....*sigh*

Christie: I'll go get the bossman. Keep an eye on him.

Christie leaves.

NiCO: .....

Shiki: .....

NiCO: ....I assume you have some questions.

Shiki: ....I'm not gonna bother asking.

NiCO: oh? Are you gonna be all "I can't trust you anymore?" Haha...this isn't some Anime you kno-

Shiki: n-nah. The more I talk...the more I feel like urp...throwing u-bweh

NiCO: Ah! Hey! A-Are you okay!?


She chains me to a chair.

NiCO: unbelievable.

Shiki: Great! Can I get some McNuggets too?

NiCO: Are you seriously asking me that!?

Shiki: I'm just fukn' with ya.

NiCO: *sigh* .....look. I can guess how angry you must be. If you have any questions now is the time to ask them.

Shiki: I'm not angry at all.

NiCO: hm?

Shiki: There's no way that my friend would betray me. So. I'll just have to believe that she didn't.

NiCO: oh? What's this? Are you guilt tripping me? Or are you just that  Naive?

Shiki: Neither.

NiCO: Hah. You trust people easily.

Shiki: ......only the good ones.

NiCO: .....

"Ah. Shiki Kabirin."

Shiki: ....? Yo. Are you the mastermind or some shit? Lemme guess. You want my power....to rule the world!

"Not exactly"

Shiki: Hey if I'm gonna die anyway, can ya atleast take off the mask?

"Do not take me for a stereotypical Villain Kabirin-Kun, I myself know there's a chance you could escape."

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