"What? Can you prove me wrong? Go ahead if you must."

He gave me an amused look and simply sat there, waiting for my answer.

Of course I could prove him wrong. I'd spoken to far worse criminals than him and therefore had heard a lot of vile things, all of which were worse than he'd ever imagine. I'd heard of a child who'd burned down her own home, family still inside. Her name was Brenda Caymen, she was nine years old and was caught standing outside the raging inferno. She never denied being responsible, but then again she never spoke a word to anyone. Not even to me when I assessed her, she just held a sinister, non regretful smile on her seemingly angelic face. That was during my training.

Then there was Will Mormings who was my third patient. He had raped and mutilated the bodies of several young women along with a man. I instantly could tell how insane he was. He couldn't even register how wrong the things he did were. During our few sessions he'd laugh and talk like a maniac, telling me all about what he did without a single ounce of sympathy.

The most chilling case I ever had was Joe Waiten. He was a young man, about 26. He had a perfect upbringing and loving wife but it wasn't enough for him. Joe had several affairs with his wife. One of them claimed that she was pregnant and out of fear for his wife discovering their relationship he killed her. He soon grew so paranoid about the other women that he went after them too. The thing that made him so evil was the way he spoke about the murders. He knew that what he was doing was wrong but just didn't care. He saw his 'work' as some sort of sick art, like he was proud of it.

"I'm not innocent."



I snapped back and Antonio gestured for me to continue and give some sort of justification towards my reasoning.

"In my line of work I only ever spoke about murder and violence. Trust me I'm used to it."

He shook his head and laughed at me.

"Alice, darling, there are plenty of rebellious teenagers out there who watch films they shouldn't be watching all about gore and demons and then seem completely fine and unfazed but what do you think they'd do if a killer came running towards them with a weapon? They'd take off in the opposite direction, they'd panic and scream, they'd be terrified. Sure you heard about these things, but seeing them... now that's a different matter."

Deep down I knew that he was right. Anyone can listen to a spooky story and tell ourselves that we aren't scared, but when you actually face a bad situation it's completely different to seeing it in a movie. No, in real life you turn into one of the victims that you spent the whole film laughing about. It's out of our instincts to be fearful in those situations, you can convince yourself otherwise but it will never change the truth.

"Don't forget Alice, I saw you that day. Don't you remember how you fell to the ground after seeing those bodies? All those dead people, the sight of it made you howl and cry like a baby, Alice. Then, you started begging me....to spare your life. Did you forget sweetheart? Forget how I was the one who picked up your limp body after I drugged you? Come on, your a clever girl. It's okay to admit that you were scared."

My fists were screwed up, nails digging into my palms as I was forced to recall the events. I was trying to keep myself calm but he was making it fucking impossible to do that. I knew that he was trying to prove a point but I couldn't stop picturing all those bodies. The blood and the vacant look in their-

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