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Today was our practice day. I and Jessie were waiting in the basketball court for Jk and Taehyung to come over. Jimin had already come with Sara and both looked excited about practice.

'I'm excited Chelsie!" Jessie exclaimed.

"But I'm not." I frowned

"Why aren't you excited?"

"Nope, I want to go home."

" You 're so boring Chelsie."

Taehyung and Jk arrived, they were sweating, it seemed they came from from the gym. Jessie's eye popped out looking at Jk, his t-shirt was wet with sweat and his body was almost visible. She ran to him and I followed her. Taehyung glanced at me, I pretended not to notice him. He came close and moved his hand forward to greet me.

"Hey! You might be Chelsie, am I right?"

"Yeah, I'm Chelsie, nice to meet you."

Taehyung was bold, he wasn't like Jimin who was a ladies man. His boldness impressed me a little.

"You're Jessie's friend?" Taehyung asked.

"yep, we're besties."

" oh! what is your department?'

"History" I replied.

" Isn't history boring?" Taehyung playfully smiled.

" I don't think so - what about you?"

"Me? - economics and that's sucks."

" It seems you don't like studying."

"you got me right - I'm not a nerd, I like to do creative things.'

I frowned and looked away at Jessie, she was laughing along with Jk, they already looked cute together. The dance instructor came in and immediately asked to line up with our partners. He showed us our steps and music started.

Taehyung looked at me and licked his lips. He asked for my hand to start the dance, just like a prince who asks his princess to do so.

" Shall we go to main part?" I asked.

He nodded his head, and slowly grabbed my waist. I felt a sudden jolt of sensation running down my waist. His hands almost covered my waist, his hands were huge.

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