I threw a punch at the ghoul, then bit into it's neck, tearing it's head off, I dropped it. The next ghoul attacked, chomping down on my arm, I screamed in pain, then swiped my hand across it's neck, my claws took the head clean off. I turned my head to the woman they captured, for some unknown reason, she was probably at the wrong place at the wrong time. She pushed herself into a corner, staring at me, I looked down, then water-ported to her.
I compelled" You hit your head really hard on a gravestone, you were visiting your friend's grave. None of this ever happened. You passed out." She passed out, I caught her in my arms and water-ported to a grave, I laid her down. My eyes flashed, and she started waking up, I water-ported away.
I got to my motel room, coughing up a storm, I hit the ground, then shifted, I hissed and puked up water. I crawled to the bathroom and turned on the water. I pulled off my clothes and got into the shower, washing all of the blood off me, and out of my mouth.

I opened my eyes and saw I was covered in blood, I covered my face, and hissed. I opened my eyes and the blood was gone, I sighed, gulping, then felt sick. I turned to the toilet and puked, I coughed up water and bile from my stomach.
I was invisible as we went into a nursing home, Dean doesn't like them because they freak him out.
Sam said" Come on. It's not that bad."
Dean said" You can't tell me this joint doesn't give you the heebs and/or jeebs." I smiled, shaking my head, idiot.
A man said" Hello. Can I help you?"
" Hi. Yeah. Agent Crosby. FBI."
" Sorry, I'm Dr. Dwight Mahoney. I run Sunset Fields."
Cas said" We need to question your residents."
" Well... why? About what?"
Sam said" Grand Larceny, mostly."
" Of course. Um, by all means, ask away. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."
" Appreciate it."
Dean said" Great." The guy walked away," All right, let's do this. No flirting, you two." I laughed," Keir, shut up and look for weird stuff."
I said" On it, jerk."

There was nothing here, I walked to Sam and Dean,
Sam said" You remember a guy named Fred Jones? I think he was a contact of dad's. Lived outside of salt lake."
Dean said" Yeah, that guy gave me my first beer. I don't even think I was double digits."
" Right, yeah. Me, too. Um, he was psychic, right?"
" Psychokinetic. Why?"
" 'Cause he's in room 114."
" Cas. Let's go."
Cas said" I've almost cracked him." He was talking about a cat,
" Now."

We walked into the room,
Sam said" Mr. Jones? Hey, it's, uh, Sam Winchester."
Dean said" Fred?" Dean turned off the tv," Fred! Hey!" Fred wasn't there at all,
Cas said" So, you really think this one man is causing all of these... shenanigans?"
" Well, if he is, he'd be surrounded by a circle of crazy, right? Hang on." Dean grabbed a book, and it himself with it, it clanged and we heard tweets from a bird. Dean shook his head and it all stopped," Bingo."
" But how?"
Sam said" Fred's got juice. I mean, an average psychokinetic can move things with his mind, but a guy like Fred- you get him worked up, he can reshape reality."
Dean said" All right, so where's his off switch?"
" I don't know. I'm not even certain if he knows we're here."
Cas said" Do we... kill him?"
The doctor said" Excuse me, agents, did he just threaten to murder one of my patients?"
We had to leave,
Dean said" Real freaking smooth."
Cas said" Well, we don't have to leave him. I could teleport him."
Sam said" Fred's radioactive, Cas. Zap him- no telling what will happen."
Dean said" Me and Sam will circle back tonight, get Fred nice and clean. You go invisible girl and keep an eye on him. You hear me?" We stopped as we heard him leave," Good."

There was another accident at the nursing home, and how we're headed to some nurse's boyfriend's place. Fred was missing.
We walked in,
Dean said" Hey. Bearer bonds. Maybe these belong to Sheila Tate."
Cas said" So this man is our thief."
Sam said" Yeah. Dean." We walked over to him and moved a table, a guy was injured.
Dean said" Cas." The guy tried to move away from Cas,
Cas said" Stay still. Move your hands." Cas healed him,
The guy said" How did you..."
Dean said" Guy eats his wheaties. Sam, come on."
" What did you..."
Sam said" Come on. Get up. Sit down."
" Wait a second! What did you just do to me?!"
Dean said" Hey, hey, hey! Listen to me. Where is Fred Jones?"
" I- He- He took him."
" Who?!"
" Dr. Mahoney. That guy's evil, man, okay? He's using Mr. Jones."
I said" How?"
" Look, all Fred does is watch cartoons, but he is magic, okay? A few weeks ago, I-I slammed my foot in his door. I smashed it flat- and I mean flat. And then when I shook the thing, it popped back up, like something out of a cartoon or whatever."
Dean said" Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know."
" So I told Dr. Mahoney, and then he started doing experiments. Just- We just wanted to see what he could do."
Sam said" What about the robberies?"
" Oh, Mahoney's been skimming off Sunset Fields for years. A lot of those folks- they got stuff stashed away, like, off the books. So Mahoney would track down the loot, and then we would take Fred for a drive."
Dean said" Right, and use his bubble of weird to rip people off. How did you end up gut-shot?"
" Mahoney- after-after he anviled that guard, he started freaking out, and then you showed up, and then the cake blew in the day room, and then he lost it."
Sam said" What does that mean, he lost it?"
" I mean he's on his way back to the bank right now for one last score. Doc's blowing town. I mean, he said that Fred was a loose end. He was gonna kill him. And then I like Fred, so I said that if he hurt the guy, I'd go to the cops. And I didn't know that he had a gun."
Dean said" Okay."

We walked out of the place,
Cas said" Do you think Mr. Jones knows what's happening?"
Dean said" I don't know. Seems to me like the dude's living in a dream world." We got into the car, Dean drove off, we headed to find Fred Jones and Mahoney.
I was sent back to the motel room while they went to deal with that whole mess.

I got to the motel room, pulling off my shirt, looking at all the scars I've got from the past year and all the white veins on my body, I sighed. I just gotta keep up and I'll be fine, I just gotta keep focused and I'll be fine.

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