I knew he had every reason to feel guilty.

"Baka, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" I stopped by the door to his room and put down the luggage. "Here you go, Sir." I said through gritted teeth and walked away. 

As I turned to look at him at the end of corridor, he was still staring after me with his eyes and mouth wide open. 

I always know what you are up to, Arthit, didn't you know? I shook my head and stepped into the elevator. It's not your fault that our entire family is here. Knowing mama she would have found out anyway through other sources...


Arthit's POV

"Arthit what are you doing?" 

I quickly popped my head out and saw Daniel with an impatient frown on his face.

"I'm almost done."

"Hurry! Everyone's waiting for you." 

I popped my head back into the room, quickly pulled on my socks and ran a comb through my hair. Daniel frowned at me as I apologized to him. As we were walking through the corridors, I noticed that the dark wooden walls and floor boards gave the hotel an eerie look. I wouldn't want to be walking around here alone.

Just then, Daniel froze beside me. I turned and felt my blood run cold when this long dark shadow slowly moved towards us...

"Aaaahhh!" We both screamed loudly and clung to each other in pure horror as a white head suddenly appeared in front of us. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to cover Daniel with my body and protect him from this...ghost??

"Ho ho ho! Ha ha ha..." 

The laughter that rang through the corridor sounded strangely reminiscent of a...human. I opened one eye cautiously. The head was now "connected" to a body – an old man with white hair stood in front of us. His face was as wrinkled as a prune and his toothless gums flashed at us as he bent almost double in laughter.

"Who are you?" I asked cautiously, trying to calm my thumping heart as I realized that this old fellow must have trying to frighten us. Well, he sure succeeded, we were both petrified!

"I'm Mike's Grandfather," the old weirdo finally stopped laughing and vanished through an open doorway. It was a smart move, Daniel and I were ready to jump on him and pummel him with our fists for scaring us – yes, regardless of his age.

Daniel was complaining to Kongpob Suthiluck about Mike's grandfather the moment we stepped into the restaurant. He listened quietly and then nodded, "Yes, that sounds exactly like him. He loves frightening young men..."

"It's all your fault Arthit! If I hadn't gone up to call you, I wouldn't have been frightened as well." Daniel pointed an accusing finger at me as his face twisted into an angry pout. 


You try to blame this on me???

I shook my head and decided to be magnanimous and forgive Daniel for his ungracious comments when a delicious smell assailed my nose. Damn that smelt good...Hmmm... whoever decided to come here made the right choice!

Hehehe...I am such a genius.

Soon, I was sitting next to Kongpob Suthiluck and burying my head in the menu, when the waiter approached us.

"What would you like to have, Mister?" 

I could never mistake that familiar voice anywhere.

"Max!!!" My eyes widened as I resurfaced from behind the huge menu. "What are you doing...are you working here?" 

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