Earth Chronicles: A Love Story

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What is a relationship
but a vying
for the intimate attention
of another
pulling our personality in
to be pedestalled
seeking projections
of what we feel amiss
in ourselves
or seeking self affirmation
and self elevation
physical and emotional stimulation
what is a relationship
but a discussion between two lost souls
finding a comfortable home
in each other
intuitively knowing the oneness
that grounds them
and individuality
that expounds them
but relationships
can transform into power trips
manic manipulation to mask
inner aggravation and agitation
as much stimulation
as there are stipulations
the depression of obsession
why do we do this?
for the fun of course
and due to the faulty notions
that were poured before us
conditioning a life to be riveting
rife with spiritual growth
wisdom gains through pains
I've been here for many months
and i've learned my passion
is best expressed from
the mouth of my mind
through the tip of my fingers
them typing or guiding a pen
or lingering around sweet
moist areas

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