Chapter 11 - Rubies

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Rubies. That's how he was going to find her. That's how he would lure her in. That's how he was going to finally catch his thief.

It's all came down to the rubies.

James quickly finished his measurements, and dug out as many rubies as he had. He looked at Aleksander strangely. "A-are you sure about this, sir?"

Aleksander modded firmly. "Yes, this is exactly what I want. Make it as obvious as possible. And then, if you're willing to do me another favor, spread the word. I want as many people as possible to know that my jacket will be bedazzled with these gems."

If James didn't think Aleksander was crazy before, he sure did now. But in all honesty, Aleksander didn't really care. The word would surely get to the thief, and she would come.

She would come. He could feel it.

Sending James a grateful nod, the prince hopped down from the platform and strode out of the quaint shop. He was buzzing with excitement, his mind going to a million places. Where would he wait? What would he do? What would he say?

Most importantly to the prince was her motive. She herself was a controversy. Careful but reckless, general but choosy. He set off at fast pace towards the castle to taste the cooks food. He had a lot to plan before the ball.

Arriving at his home, Aleksander took the back way instead of walking in through the grand doors. He wanted to make sure no ladies in waiting were there to pounce on him. Familiar with these secret tunnels, it took Aleksander no time before he arrived at the deliciously smelling room. He wondered why he even needed to do this at all, feeling certain that the cooks would be preparing something delectable regardless of his opinion.

Smiling, the main chef spotted him. "Sir, you're early today." Aleksander wanted to roll his eyes, he'd been getting that phrase a lot. As if it was a crime to be early.

"My apologies, mon ami. I actually have many things to attend today, so I was hoping we could get through this as quickly?" Aleksander knew he didn't have to be too careful with his words, as the cook despised being required to hear the prince critiques of his food just as much as the prince despised giving them.

"Yes, yes, I see." The chef said with fake cheer.

For the next hour or so, Aleksander was pushed from one colorful and exotic dish to the next, taking small bites and making obnoxious noises of approval. By the end, he was stuffed to the brim, and all out of complements. Not wanting to push it off any longer, he sent a tired smile to chef, thanked him and left.

This last duty of his made Aleksander want to barf. He hated small talk, awkward flirting, and expectations. To top it off, these woman were all the same, no one stood with a colorful personality or said something of value. Nobody woman ever captured his attention. Well, until he met her.

He shook his head to free himself of these thoughts. He might had not been the best person, but he knew never to speak to a lady while thinking about another one. Aleksander felt himself draw close to where they waited when he heard the sound of gossip and chatter.

"He's so handsome..."
"They say he works out everyday"
"I saw him this morning... ooh la la."

He felt slightly anxious when he entered to grand room and felt many sets of eyes on him. The young women who'd gathered around a large table went dead silent. They stared at him as if he was the next trending diamond. Then they all bowed together.

He didn't want to think of what the women thought of him, his reputation. The cowardly prince, the hidden royalty. The pressure suddenly weighed on him, sucking the oxygen out of the room.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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