Chapter 4 - Stables

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Aleksander's green eyes narrowed as he scanned the attire neatly arranged in his closet. Freshly showered and groomed, clothing was the next agenda on his long list. He needed to choose clothing that was fit for a royal, but not excessively grandiose. He didn't want to be seen as pretentious, especially when he was the one appealing to the villagers for help. Though they were already inclined to help him as he was their prince.

Deciding on a simple black shirt, with a black jacket that had a few gold medals pinned on, Aleksander thought he looked the part of a royal prince, as well as approachable. He paired it with faded blue jeans and black shoes.

The confidence he felt with his outfit slowly translated into confidence with his role in finding the thief. He believed he could do it, and could only hope the village people would offer useful information.

He whirled around on his heel, and paced out of his room with a determined glint in his eye.

On his way out the main door, he passed the many excessive rooms that made up most of the main hallways. Rooms so large and luxurious, that justone could fit the entire castle's staff, royalty, and even the animals in the stable. At this thought, Aleksander felt a tinge of doubt. How could he look approachable if this is what the villager saw? A stuck up prince living in a castle, who knew nothing of the hardships of life.

If only they knew he'd thought. He was pampered for sure, but not oblivious to hardship. His father made sure both boys were raised with a great understanding of life's cruelty. His father wasn't the best parent around but never slacked as a King

The challenge of making himself more approachable increasedhis determination, rather than extinguishing it. He could do it. Although he hoped it would never come to be, Aleksander could be their King one day. This was a good chance to get to know the people he'd be ruling instead of hiding from them.

Starting down the grand staircase, Aleks saw several staff members carrying large trays of food, additional seating, and bright decorations into the castle. Curious, he stopped one of them on their way in.

"What's all this about?" He questioned. The young woman he'd stopped blushed profusely, and slightly bowed towards him. His first thought was how cute that seemed.

"It's for the ball tomorrow, the one in memory of your grandfather." She squeaked.

Aleksander's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before relaxing. Oh, that one.

"Yes, I remember now. Thank you." He said graciously and flashed the girl a smile, causing the maidens face to once again flush red. She quickly bowed again before clutching the vase in her hands tighter and walking around Aleks to join her friends. Normally, Aleksander would've pursued her, but it's seems as if his thoughts were already enveloped around his thief.

As he continued out of the castle, he could vaguely hear their shrieks of delight as the young maiden recounted her brief conversation with the prince to her friends. He often forgot his effect on people and felt grateful that he had friends that treated him normally. Aleksander was fully aware that he was a just human being, and made enough mistakes to constantly remind him of that.

Their reaction eased his doubts. If he imposed that reaction, the villagers would surely love him.

He made his way to the stable, and mounted his very first and very favorite horse, Jon Jon, before passing the stable master.

"Morning, yer highness" the older man called out. While more hairs on his head stood gray then black, the youthfulness in his voice took a few years off his person.

Aleksander laughed and questioned. "Gerald, will I have to be dead before you call me Aleksander?"

Gerald grinned back. "No yer highness, only better at me in racing, which based on how often you've come here, won't be anytime soon."

Aleksander saw the hidden message in Geralds words.

"I'm sorry, friend. I'll set some additional time this week to come see you and Jon Jon. How is Lydia?" Aleksander said, referring to Gerald's wife, who had recently fallen ill with a light cold.

"She's milking her cold for everything it's worth. Makes me rub her feet everyday, she does". Although his words were ones of annoyance, the look on Geralds face said otherwise. He dearly loved his wife, and Aleksander would bet much that Gerald didn't mind doing daily foot massages.

Aleks chortled at the image of Gerald slaving over his wife.

"Find that funny, aye? Wait til you've got one! Then we'll see who's laughing." Gerald said conspiratorially.

"I plan to be as free as Jon Jon for as long as possible."

Gerald's dramatic sigh made him look much older than he was, at thmm age of 50.

"Aye, well I guess we'll see. Where are you headed off to?"

Aleksander pauses for a moment, debating whether to tell Gerald of his assignment. He trusted Gerald, but he never knew who might be listening. The thief was well known throughout the Kingdom and appeared to be well liked, as he only targeted the rich. If people knew of Aleksanders task to find him, they might warn the thief, who was already elusive. But so early in the morning meant there was barely anyone at the stables. Deciding there was no harm, Aleksander spoke "I'm going to the village to learn information about the thief. Father has placed me at the head of the investigation and since the villagers seem to be familiar with the thief, I'd wager it'd be good to start there."

Gerald nodded, familiar with the so called 'invisible thief'.

"You know, they call him The Ghost, because very few have seen him, and it appears as if he can walk through walls. My guess is that's a bunch of horse shit. And believe me, I know horse shit." Gerald grimaced as Jon Jon neighed and dumped a big one right where he stood.

The prince laughed again, and angled Jon Jon to the exit of the stable. Making a mental note of this new information, he called back "at least you don't have to massage the horses feet."

Then exited the stable to the heavy laughter of Gerald.


Hey guys, it's me again!

I've decided that I can definitely update multiple times a week, so the story with be progressing pretty quickly.

How are you enjoying it so far?

Any thoughts?

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