Chapter 3 - Home

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The harsh light from the sun awoke Aleksander long before the staff at the castle could. Aleksander normally saw the sun as a beautiful feature of the earth, but not when it increased his already irritating hangover. As tired as he was, Aleksander still felt grateful as he now had the opportunity to get a head start in the day. It occurred to him that maybe his day might not be as insignificant as he was accustomed to, with the thief being his sole responsibility, he finally had a purpose.

Alexander shook his head out of its brief stupor and climbed out of bed. His large comfy bed called to him but he remained strong.While he may have been a negligent prince, he was certainly not lazy.

As he heard a resounding knock on his large Oakwood door, he realized that his lack of laziness was largely due to his horde of tasks that neededhis constant attention, no matter how insignificant they would be.

His thoughts immediately fled to the thief, much like it had all throughout the night. Before he could get lost in thought again, Aleksander stood up and paced to the door before throwing it open.

Waiting patiently on the other side was the main messenger for the palace, a young boy by the name of William. At an average height of 5'11, light blonde hair and a pretty set of sky blue eyes, William looked nothing short of an angel. However, one close look at him and the mischief in his eyes shone more brightly then any other trait on his character. Aleksander felt a immediate large smile grow on his face as his eyes lit up with familiarity. It just so happened that William was also a good friend of Aleksander's.

"Morning sir!" William hollered loudly, causing Aleksander to wince and step back.

William was keenly aware of Aleksander's night club outing the night before, just as he was aware of the accompanying hangover the young prince would be sporting the next morning. He grinned boyishly, thoroughly enjoying pestering his friend.

William had known Aleksander a boy, been with him through his toughest times. He'd been approached many a time by people wanting to know what the recluse prince was actually like, to feed off of gossip. He'd turn them down every single time. Aleksander was a good friend and better person. He just didn't handle social situations well. It was truly unfortunate that he was born a Royal, but was luckily not next in line to the throne. That was saved for his much more responsible older brother, who was away at another Kingdom. His absence had caused the King to refocus on his younger son, which dismayed William.

"The squackng birds outside my window have a more pleasant sound then you, my friend." The Princethrew in return, also aware of Williams' attempt to gain enjoyment from his hangover, at Aleksander's own expense.

"You always say the nicest things, Aleks." William bantered. "Lord knows how many ladies have swooned over my voice and face, but here you are insulting it. About time you learn to appreciate perfection, man."

The smile on Aleksander's face grew into a mischievous one.

"The only thing that would make your face more perfect would be if it had a black eye, don't you think? And since I'm in an oh-so generous mood having to see your ugly mug this early, I'm inclined to help you 'achieve perfection'".

William's eyes grew wide as he took a large step back. He knew his friend was joking, but underestimating Aleks was a fatal mistake; one he himself had made many times.

"Calm down, princey, I'm just here to deliver your father's reminder. He told me, quote 'remind my son to focus on the thief, or you'll both be held accountable'" Will reiterated, dropping his voice a few octaves lower to imitate an intimidating King.

"So on behalf of this ugly mug" he continued while waving a finger around his own face, "would you please get on that. I don't fancy having to find another job where I get to torment you."

Aleksander grew quiet at the mention of the thief. He had not even begun seriously undertaking the task, and he was already reminded of it. This confirmed his original thought. This thief, whoever he was, was important to the King. Or at least, was significant enough for the King to express another reminder, albeit through a messenger.

Seeing the prince's face grow distressed, William frowned. "What happened? I thought you would be happy to take on something of relevance." Or at least that's what Aleks had told him. Had William read him wrong?

"I'm not upset that I was placed in charge, rather I don't know how to handle the situation" Aleksander murmured, deep in thought.

"From where I see it; catch the thief, your father's content, he'll lay off you, and you're free!" Will spoke in an excited manner, as if he'd just discovered the solution to all of Aleksander's problems.

If only... Aleksander thought solemnly.

"But I don't even know how to approach the first step. Catch the thief? I know nothing about the thief, much less how to identify and then detain an active criminal." The prince grew frustrated, roughly running his hands threw his hair, as the difficulty of the task began to dawn in him.

"Well, maybe if you knew more about the thief, you could then capture him." Will suggested.

"How am I to learn more about someone I've never seen before." Aleks responded dryly. Sometimes Will could be so foolish.

"That's the thing. You've never seen him before, but I bet many others have. Start from there."

At the sound of a promising idea, Aleks visibly perked up."Brilliant! I knew there was a reason I've kept your ugly mug around.

"What have I told you about appreciating-"

Will was cut off by the young royals door slamming shut, as Aleksander ran to prepare to head to the village.

William rolled his eyes, but felt happy for his friend. Hopefully the prince's new role would give him the confidence boost he needed. William had a feeling that finding this thief would be good for Aleks, if only to help him get out of the palace more often. With that merry thought, Will continued on with his day, sporting a slight smile. He planned on using his ugly mug to sneak some muffins from the new chef's assistant


Hey guys, just finished the fourth chapter. I wonder what Aleks will find in the village. It might be a turning point for his search, or nothing at all....

Please leave comments so I can hear your thoughts on the story! But please keep them constructive, thanks, see y'all soon!

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