A small device from above drops to our level and then hovers over Cassandra's belly. It reminds me of the scanner that stared into my eyes while I recited my pledge before being in cooperated into the army.

The scanner glides over the surface of her belly which still looks pretty flat to me. From the surface it doesn't seem like she is even pregnant. It is only when the monitor comes to life that I see what is inside. 

My eyes go wide as I stare at the screen and I don't realize that I have taken a step closer and my hand is currently touching the skin above the life form inside Cassandra. 

"Beautiful right?" Cassandra murmurs. 

I don't reply since I'm too busy staring at the image on the screen. It doesn't look like a human baby, in fact it just looks like a blob to me but once the nurse points out the head I start to get a clearer picture. 

I suddenly feel extremely protective over that little being inside Cassandra's stomach. 

The nurse smiles when she sees my awestruck face and then she tells us that Cassandra is in her ninth week now. She reinforces for her to take care since this is still a fragile time for the baby and her and then she starts going over her diet.

"You can take your hand off now, Aria," Cassandra casts me a teasing smile and I stare at my hand which is still fixed to her belly. 

"Sorry," I say and then I lift it. The nurse and Cassandra both laugh at me as I continue to stare at her belly when she pulls her shirt down and gets up. 

"It's normal," The nurse says and then she squeezes my shoulder. "One day you will experience it too." 

Her words make me shudder but I have the sudden urge to touch Cassandra's belly again. There is something just so magical about what I'd just seen. 

"She's going to be the God mother to my child," Cassandra tells the nurse. 

"What's that?" The Plutonian asks.

"Not sure but my mother always told me I should have been raised by my God mother so it must be something good." 

"I never had one but I'd be happy to try my best," I tell her and her eyes sparkle in appreciation. 

She goes for her doctor's appointment and I wait outside, all the while thinking about her baby, about her safety and worrying about Lazarus. I know he promised not to do anything but I don't trust him. 

I bite my lip hard hoping that this is just paranoia which will amount to nothing. Cassandra walks out and I immediately bombard her with questions about her diet, if she is sleeping enough and if she's getting in the right amount of fitness to keep healthy. 

"Yeah, yeah I am. Who knew you could be such a nag," She waves a hand at me and shrugs me off while we exit the building. 

"Is he still hurting you?" I whisper in a serious tone and she stops walking. She knows I'm talking about Lazarus. 

"No, he hasn't visited me ever since Lucian X talked to him," She says quietly and my shoulders slump in relief. 

I clutch her arms tightly and smile at her. "That's the best news I've heard in awhile."

She laughs at me and then we board her glider. Her driver drops me off at Onyx and I rush inside for my shift. 

I push past the throng of bodies in the waiting room and then walk through the restaurant. I see Jade by the bar and he side eyes me before filling a glass with some drink. I push through the plush violet doors that lead to the club and head straight for the bar island on the opposite side.

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