Chapter 5: A Child for the Welcoming

Start from the beginning

Neptune: That's right!

You rolled your eyes before everything around you two started to return back to normal.

Noire: I'm Noire, the CPU Goddess of Lastation, it's nice to meet you.

You smiled at her.

(Y/N): You are well-mannered, my lady.

You spoke in a polite way and Noire blushed and got mad at you and she thought that you're just flirting with her.

Noire: A-Are you trying to flirt with me?

You tilted your head in confusion.

(Y/N): No, I'm just being polite, that's all.

Noire: O-Oh, I-I thought you were flirting with me or something.

You huffed. Suddenly, a small girl wearing a seasonal "Fall" red and white outfit approached you.

Blanc: I'm Blanc. The CPU Goddess of Lowee. I'm sorry about earlier ago...

You smiled and nodded at her, as she apologized to you more than many times already.

(Y/N): I's fine, I already forgive you.

Blanc saw your smile, she turned her to the side as she blushed a bit. You smiled a bit more before fading it away quickly.

(Y/N): Also, I'm really sorry know, breaking your back on your form.

Blanc: It's alright, but at least you fully healed me.

The two of you chuckled at each other with smiles. Then, the other one with the blonde hair started to introduce herself to you...she also leaned down a bit for you to see her breasts, which you looked away shyly.

she also leaned down a bit for you to see her breasts, which you looked away shyly

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Vert noticed this as she chuckled at you.

Vert: Greetings. I'm Lady Vet, the CPU Goddess of Leanbox. It's nice to meet you, didn't know we could encounter a cutie like you today~

She flirted and giggled, as her breasts started to jiggle around a bit. You smirked before speaking to her.

(Y/N): Well it's nice to meet you too, my lady Goddess~

You flirted her back before doing a wink and finger gunning her.

Everyone except you and Vert:

Everyone except you and Vert:

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(Y/N) (L/N)'s Neptunia Adventures! - (HDN X Ultra Instinct Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now