Chapter 5: A Child for the Welcoming

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-No one's P.O.V-

After you and the CPU's greeted together. You were now in Neptune's Basilicom.

The CPU's asked you a few questions to you. They asked something personal about you, but you stayed silent and not answering that question. 


Moments later in the Basilicom that the CPU's and their Candidates made you food for an apology for setting you up, they already apologized to about five times already.

Then, a small figure like a fairy floated in the scene.

Histoire: Hello there. I'm Histoire, it's nice to meet you.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you too, you looking fairy floating on a book.

You joked with a smirk on your face, as Histoire smiled at hat.

Histoire: I'll take that as a compliment. Anyways, I'm sorry that we caused you trouble today, it was our fault that we jumped into conclusions.

You took a sip from your drink and smiled before fading your smile away quickly.

(Y/N): It's fine. I'm just being cool about it.

IF: Yeah. I'm really sorry...we thought you were stealing the Shares of the CPU's...

You nodded.

(Y/N): I know about those because Steamax explained it to me.

Uni: Oh? Did he?

(Y/N): Yep. I first met him by saving him from a giant mouse and I send that giant mouse to fly off somewhere.

Histoire: So did Steamax told you everything?

(Y/N): I asked him about this world and what does it do.

Everyone stopped and looked at you.

Histoire: I see. Wait, what did you say?

You remembered what you had just said to them.

(Y/N): Oh right. I'm not actually from "here". I'm from another different world.

Histoire: Mind if you tell us about it?

Everyone around you started to get curious, as you sighed.

(Y/N): I've already told Steamax about it, but I don't mind.

You told them about your world and how is that that is different from this.


(Y/N): And...that's how I got ended up here.

Everyone nodded in acknowledgment.

Neptune: Wait, there are different God and Goddesses from your world?

Noire: There are a lot of countries other than ours?

Vert: A lot of languages?

(Y/N): That's correct. My world is different than yours. Crazy, right?

You smirked before taking a drink of water.

Neptune: Hello there! I'm Neptune, I'm the CPU Goddess of Planeptune, and the protagonist of the protagonist...but this time, you're actually the protagonist on this story.

You sighed at her, as the world around you and Neptune turned gray and everyone except you and Neptune stopped time.

(Y/N): You literally broke the fourth wall.

Neptune: What can I say? I can do that often and the girls wouldn't believe me.

(Y/N): Often? I guess you spoke the players who played your game and you spoke to the readers who read other books.

(Y/N) (L/N)'s Neptunia Adventures! - (HDN X Ultra Instinct Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now