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         The little girl hasn't come back yet.... It was already about 5 hours since she left...
Rinoa sighed while saying," I guess she won't come back" I said," Of course that little girl won't abandon us..unless if she did abandon us." we all sighed together..
             And all of a sudden we heard foot steps... We were so relieved... The little girl came back.The little girl peaked at the door, then she smiled.. The girl said," I have a surprise for you all!!" I said.." whats your surprise for us? Did you find a way for us to get out of here?" the little girl nodded and yes and said,"but that's not my surprise for you guys.. It's this!!" she suddenly pulled out knives.. She giggled and giggled..

  We didn't know what was going on.... And then all of a sudden she kept throwing the knives randomly and said, " who will I kill first?"
  We were all panicking.. We tried to go out of the door but we still couldn't.... The room then turned black... All of us closed our eyes...
I peaked a little at the girl....  The girl kept throwing the knives while staring at me.. I had a feeling that I will die in any second.. But then she stopped..
We were all silent... Pia then started pulling my t-shirt... In shock I saw her hit by the head.. Pia was breathing loudly... Then she died.... Ella said,"Pia? Pia? Pia?!!!"
In split second.. I was back in my house... but my sister and my friend Rinoa was never seen again... My parents started hugged me as tight as they can, they asked me,"What happened?!" And i told them, " Mom and dad, it all happened when the lady told us about The White......" At that moment i died, died like the lady we saw...


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