2. Night Stroll

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        It was 4 months since the incident happened. We told the people in our town what happened, but they would'nt believe us. They keep on saying this is the consequences of going to mysterious places of the town. Maybe they're right... this is our consequences for not following our parents and for exploring the mysterious place. I sometimes wish that the incident, shuldn't have happened. //sigh//    Everyday was always a sad day for me. Everyday it would rain so hard and the wind will blow wildly, i feel like our house roof will break or something. guuhhh...

        In the middle of the night, i suddenly woke up. I felt like someone was telling me to go outside. So I did. I tiptoed my way outside, so i can't wake up anyone. I carefully open the front door of our house, then suddenly.. I saw my sister staring at me. She told me," What are you doing?" I complained and said,"I just felt like. How about you?" she replied,"I felt like going outside too." So we both went outside. We went to the place were the incident happened. Then we saw Rinoa and Pia go there too. Ella asked them," Why are you here?" they both replied," We felt like going here, but we don't know why. We all started to wonder. Then suddenly the corpse of the lady who died in that place was there. It looked like it just died. We all screamed and started to run away. And then..//SMACK!!// we all fell down, like the lady. I tried to move and breathe, but i couldn't. Tears went to my eyes, after my last breathe i closed my eyes.


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