Timmy: What? It wasn't that bad.

Priscilla: Uh, yeah. You were. I still can't get that spit-up stain off of my sweater. That was the last time I ever held a baby.

Sabine: Anyway. Timmy, I asked my book club members to reschedule our book club meeting to Sunday. I guess the ride to Chris is still open for tomorrow.

Timmy: Thanks, mom. I better tell Chris we're still on for tomorrow. *He got up, went to the phone, and called him. *

TJ: When's dinner gonna be ready? I'm hungry.

Tom: Just started cooking. It should be done in 1/2 an hour.

TJ: Aw man.

Soon, half an hour is over, Tom finishes cooking dinner.

Tom: I hope you all are hungry.

Sabine: What is it this time, honey? *She put Mei Lin in her high chair. *

Tom: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

Timmy: Mmm. I love your meatloaf, Dad.

Tom: Glad you do, Timmy. *He started cutting it and serving it to everybody. *

Priscilla: Can you pass the green beans? *Sabine holds the bowl and lends it to Priscilla, she gets some green beans, then puts the bowl in the middle, and some people get some masked potatoes

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Priscilla: Can you pass the green beans? *Sabine holds the bowl and lends it to Priscilla, she gets some green beans, then puts the bowl in the middle, and some people get some masked potatoes. *


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Real meaning of love (A Lukanette story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant