Chapter 52

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Soon, nighttime comes and Marinette is studying before bed.

Soon, nighttime comes and Marinette is studying before bed

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Tikki: You're gonna do great for your test, Marinette.

Marinette: Hope so, Tikki. Just wanna get this last bit of studying before bed. *She keeps studying until it's close to bedtime. In the hallway, Sabine was about to check on Marinette. *

TJ: Mom, can I have a snack?

Sabine: TJ, go to sleep. 'I hope Marinette is in bed.' *She goes upstairs and checks on her. * Honey?

Marinette: Hmm?

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Marinette: Hmm?

Sabine: Just checking on you, that's all.

Marinette: I'm good. Just studying before bed.

Sabine: Okay. 5 more minutes and it's bedtime.

 5 more minutes and it's bedtime

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Marinette: Okay. *Sabine closes the door and Marinette keeps studying. * Hopefully I'll do well for tomorrow. *She closes her book and turns her light off too. * Goodnight, Tikki.

Tikki: Good night, Marinette. *They both fall asleep. *

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